Easter Basket 2020 Prize List

Here is all the info Nala shared:

-Egg Hunt will last until Tuesday.
-You can find them in public rooms, NOT including hidden public rooms (Spell room, Discovery Island, etc)
-You can NOT find them in minigame lobbies.
-You DO NOT need a certain amount of people in a room for them to spawn.
-The more people to a room does NOT mean more eggs will spawn.
-Your best bet is to wander rooms, rather than sit in 1 room.
-They spawn randomly, so they can be hidden or in plain sight.
-The are 5 eggs spawned at all times. Once one is found, it gets replaced elsewhere. Meaning, how often you find them is entirely dependent on how fast you hunt them. -If one is not found, it WILL despawn and appear elsewhere after 10 minutes.
-Do NOT use Magic’s such as Dash or OUAT to gain the advantage of getting to an egg faster. You will have your eggs removed!
-To open them, place it in your Guest room, stand next to it, and double click.

Thank you! I couldn't find a post about it, so this is very helpful :)