I have a friend who needs help.

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Uhmmm... yeah no offense, but I really don't think this is the place at all for this. The topic on the donation page and simply asking for donations. I could also turn this into a pretty thorough psychological/biological discussion, but I think i'll refrain from that for now.


Well-Known Member
Uhmmm... yeah no offense, but I really don't think this is the place at all for this. The topic on the donation page and simply asking for donations. I could also turn this into a pretty thorough psychological/biological discussion, but I think i'll refrain from that for now.
yawn. just because you're transphobic doesn't mean this person can't use the OFF TOPIC..,,.. section of the forums as an outlet to try and help her friend.
While we certainly appreciate you trying to help raise money for a friend, MyVMK Forums is not the place to do this, and we will have to close this thread.

The forums staff members have decided not to allow advertising on the forums, and a rule will be added soon with more details.

Best of luck with this campaign, and thanks for understanding.
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