I need a break

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To be honest...
This game has been a huge part of my daily routine.. i'd wake up, tend to my son, eat breakfast, then hop on rides while watching grey's anatomy until around 1pm when people ACTUALLY start to log in.
And that is just all it ever is. Log in, be bored until noon, log off.

This game had my attention for a while, but it is starting to really drag behind on things making it even more boring.
The game needs something exciting to happen to bring back life to it because lately it has been dead.

More and more of my friends are quitting making it less appealing... and the amount of bullying on here is UNREAL...

so I'm taking a break.
You might catch me on to keep up with releases or make a trade and I MAY occasionally ride a couple rides. But socialize? I doubt it unless a good friend of mine is on..so goodbye again for now.
Or until something exciting happens.

P.S. this won't be a permanent leave. Just a break.
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I'll be back before you know it.
I just need something to respark my interest in the game.
So I might play a different game to take my mind off of this one then come back with a better attitude and more optimistic!
Toontown perhaps?
If you do get on ToonTown, you can find me as Funky The Dancing Monkey.

But I feel ya. VMK has always been more of a social site than it has been a game. Kinda. I have no idea what they could do to really pull people in.
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