Iraq/Afghanistan war

I think it was a good thing to do, personally I think America shouldn't just sit back and watch people get killed, we need to help. It may not be the best decision since it puts Americans at risk, but we can't just do nothing.


Not so Active Member
Well, of course killing people is immoral and just terrible, but did we intervene when Israel was bombing the Palestine's and so many innocent people were being murdered? No, we didn't. And I personally don't think we should get involved in a war between two countries when our own country is at risk now because of ISIS. We have our own problems now, and we shouldn't be focusing on a war that's none of our business. We should focus on what is really turning out to be life-threatening, we don't need more devastation, and another repeat of 9/11. Getting in between something that is between two countries is wrong, and they should handle it themselves. And we're mostly the only country that gets involved with these big things, when we shouldn't. If one personally asked for help, then I understand, but like I said, we have our own problems now, and we should focus on our own citizens instead of others when we have a terrorist group planning to kill us.


Well-Known Member
So you're saying that we should, now that ISIS is a problem specifically because we pulled out of Iraq/Afghanistan, go back in? Why should we not have just stayed until the job was done - the job of preventing a threat from something like ISIS.

Furthermore, you fail to mention that Palestine harbors terrorists that repeatedly fire rockets into Israel, the current Palestinian government makes one of their central tenants the destruction of Israel and any other Jewish state, and that Israel is only trying to defend itself from those actions - like you say the US should do against ISIS.

I'm not saying all Palestinians or all persons in Syria/Iraq are terrorists - just that people saw all of this coming and yet we still didn't intervene in time (or stopped intervening before the problem was corrected). Sometimes proactive intervention (i.e. before the problem materializes) is necessary and proper.