Question(s) about Born In Park Badge Large images

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Well-Known Member
I am leaving soon for WDW and trying to copy some players' images for BIP badges but they are printing out full page. Is this acceptable?
I think that should be fine, but can you resize them or something? Like copy and paste it into Microsoft word and make them small?


Well-Known Member
Well new pc does not have word so tried their version of office and it keeps freezing so just running out of time to experiment.
I'm thinking two issues may be occurring. Either you're printing an image and the button that says "Fit to page" is selected (which if it is then deselect it and try again), or two the image is really big.

If the image is too big, try re-scaling in paint:

1. Hop into paint.
2. Go to the top left icon and select "open".
3. Locate your picture and click "ok".
4. Click the re-size tool and leave the scaling on "percentage", I think 25 should be fine enough.
5. Save that image and try printing now.
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