Mental Health Week at Buzzfeed

If you happen to frequent this website often, lately you may have noticed Buzzfeed is posting articles in attempt to raise awareness of and inform their media followers about mental health. Issues include anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses. There's even an article as to why they decided to do this.

And I'm glad they did. I wholeheartedly agree that people who don't know what it's like should be exposed to, hopefully care to learn about, and in time accept as well as understand others who are just wired a little bit differently. Perhaps it might even be themselves they realize may be in fact wired a little bit differently. And there's nothing wrong with that.

I hope those who live with a mental illness appreciate and find hope that more people will realize that those who struggle with anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, etc. are worth to be defined by much more than their diagnosis and stigma that may be attached to the label. Each person, I believe should be seen as an individual regardless of what they may be diagnosed with.

As to the reason why I decided to share this was because I not only wished to spread the word, but also because this topic really hit home as someone who was diagnosed with generalized anxiety this year. Despite my initial misguided beliefs that this made me weak, learning how to live with this and accepting it as part of who I am has only made myself smarter, stronger, and wiser. I wish the same for others.

Anyway, this is an article which a woman describes her own struggle.

I recommend watching the video versus scrolling through the gifs alot Other articles and videos regarding mental health may be found on Buzzfeed. Take a look, should it interest you.

So yeah, thanks Buzzfeed!

Any comments, thoughts are welcome. Feel free to reach out here or via PM if you prefer to share what you think that way or should you have any questions :)


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