Phone Suggestions


Well-Known Member
As I mentioned in an earlier thread on Android rooting, I recently bricked my phone (meaning I've corrupted the software/firmware and it's now only good as a paperweight) and I'm really looking for a new phone at this point. I really like the Galaxy S4 and am leaning towards it quite strongly, however, if their is a phone you particularly love, I want to know why and see all viewpoints! So, what phone do you think I should look into/buy as a replacement?

P.S. I'm not completely pro-Android, but I have heard no convincing arguments from iPhone users on why I should get one besides emojis and everyone has one.. If you have a compelling argument, I'd love to hear it :)

I would definitely take a good hard look at the HTC One as well. The S4 is amazing, but the HTC One also is a pretty close match and it is a beautiful streamlined phone. What do you mainly use your phone for?
Anything Droid, they are pretty much indestructible.
And they are very similar to the iPhone.
So you get your protection and and you get the same functions as the popular iPhone.
That's just my opinion though.
I have been very impressed with my Droid Rzr the past 2 years.
I haven't been keeping up with the tech/phone world in a while, but if there's a new nexus phone coming out, you should probably look into that.
Or the HTC one.
The_Jedi_Master said:
Just make sure you get a phone with vanilla Android. Perhaps wait for a new Nexus? If you need it now, the HTC One Google Play edition sounds fantastic.
I really want the google play edition of the HTC One! It sucks that I'd have to get it full price though.. Especially since that equates to a month's rent for me xP
if you're looking for a cheaper phone, honestly i LOVE my galaxy s3, i've had it for about 10 months now and it's still as great as it was when i first got it. i only recommend it because i think other than the camera, the differences between that and the s4 in hardware are so little or useless that i don't really care. and by october i think we should have the software upgrade anyway. plus, it would be a lot cheaper to get the s3.


Well-Known Member
get an iphone so u can facetime me