
Hey there! I am trying to get adjusted to the new forums layout and I like it so far, but just taking a while to get used to it since I was so comfortable with the old one. I was checking on my profile and it said I had 16 points. I thought points were a bad thing that you got if you did something wrong? Is what I remember true? What are the points for or what do they do? Thank you! :)


Points on xenforo are a good thing rather than a bad thing. They go up as you receive trophies.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Points on XenForo are not the same thing as infractions from vBulletin. XenForo's system is called Warnings and that's what you want to stay away from :) Points can be related to awards. They give you a certain amount of points for completing certain task such as making your first post or getting a certain amount of likes.


Points = Good
Warnings = Bad