Scenes from a Poster

In this game, you will come up with whatever theme the original poster made.

Once you're done making your joke, make a new post with a different scene.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, here's the video of how the game is done and some stuff that can give you ideas.
I'll start...

Name something that Amy is doing outside of myvmk.
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(ohhhh i get it! i thought you meant a "poster" as in, the thing you hang in your room! but it's "poster", as in the person who is posting!

-amy is drinking lots of coffee to stay awake!

-name something that mickey mouse loves

was that right? @mijaro
(ohhhh i get it! i thought you meant a "poster" as in, the thing you hang in your room! but it's "poster", as in the person who is posting!

-amy is drinking lots of coffee to stay awake!

-name something that mickey mouse loves

was that right? @mijaro

  • Oh cheese, there is no one better than you! *gobbles up the whole cheese wheel*
  • *makes money angel* I am filthy rich!

Being @Grizzly: the upside!