Starting a Christmas Charity!

I saw all these posts requesting donations last night and frankly they made me rage a little. What follows is now an extremely mellow response.

For one, I agree with the above requests of some kind of proof, because this is just ridiculous. There are no "needs" in a place like VMK, where a player needs at the very least a decent enough computer and internet access in order to participate, there are only "wants". I don't see any justifiable reason for a "charity" here.

I will gift some items to close friends and the occasional polite random. There's no reason for anyone to hand off their stuff to some random on here just so they can, presumably, hand it off to yet another random.

I encourage players who are just so overtaken with Christmas Spirit to find some lucky recipient(s) of their own choosing to bestow gifts unto.

Also, not to be a Scrooge, but I donate plenty in real life. I don't need VMK to be yet another outlet in life where I should feel guilty about having something someone else does not.

I'm not even going to get into the realm of handing stuff off to some unknown on the forums, with fewer than 20 posts, in the name of "charity"....but I guess I just did.

Merry Christmas.

TLDR version: Nope!


Well-Known Member
I saw all these posts requesting donations last night and frankly they made me rage a little. What follows is now an extremely mellow response.

For one, I agree with the above requests of some kind of proof, because this is just ridiculous. There are no "needs" in a place like VMK, where a player needs at the very least a decent enough computer and internet access in order to participate, there are only "wants". I don't see any justifiable reason for a "charity" here.

I will gift some items to close friends and the occasional polite random. There's no reason for anyone to hand off their stuff to some random on here just so they can, presumably, hand it off to yet another random.

I encourage players who are just so overtaken with Christmas Spirit to find some lucky recipient(s) of their own choosing to bestow gifts unto.

Also, not to be a Scrooge, but I donate plenty in real life. I don't need VMK to be yet another outlet in life where I should feel guilty about having something someone else does not.

I'm not even going to get into the realm of handing stuff off to some unknown on the forums, with fewer than 20 posts, in the name of "charity"....but I guess I just did.

Merry Christmas.

TLDR version: Nope!
I agree with this post so much, great points.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great idea to give stuff away to people. I even made an ALT account to give things away along with my friends when December started, you know to get the Christmas spirit thing going... So I totally get it, it's a nice thing to do and it makes you and others feel great. I just want to note though, that we weren't running things off of donations, we played fireworks and jungle cruise over and over again so we could afford to buy things to give away on top of giving away retired clothes/magic that we had already earned on our normal accounts since the game opened. It sounds silly but we worked really hard to do all of that, and we knew beforehand that it would take some work to do. We never wanted to ask for donations from people because it just looks fishy and it didn't feel right. I've given things away to people on this game already who have claimed they were hosting a give-a-way and needed some stuff, & they just ended up trading the stuff or hoarding it and I was pretty upset that I gave my stuff away to them to be honest so I really hope this isn't a scam..

Like Jules said above, I think the people that are considering donating to people that say they're hosting give-a-ways should just give the stuff they were going to donate to random people. That way you know where your items are going. :)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking a lot of this last night. If this were legit, a wiser thing to do would be to organize a giveaway where people came to the event and gave items to people directly.