The game of War VMK style

I made this neat new game of war! It's based off the card game war, but it has some differences.

Here are the instructions:

There are 2 teams, green and red. 2 people on each team

There are 2 spinners, one with team red one with team green. Whichever has the highest number will move up a space. If the numbers are the same, you declare war! And then there's a trivia question between both teams. Whoever wins, goes up a space.

At the cyan line, you or your teammate will be eliminated. There will be a trivia question asked, and the winner gets to keep on playing.

If the other team hasn't reached the cyan line yet, normal war will still continue, you'll just be by yourself.

Once both teams only have 1 player, they continue like normal war.

When someone reaches the black pixel, they run to the chair and claim victory!


Any questions? Ask in the comments below!
The game isn't open yet but will be open soon, hope to see you there!