Trading credit Sprees for last years Christmas furniture


Plushie In game(:
Have unused Christmas furniture that you have no idea what to do with? Some items that are just sitting in your inventory unused and lonely? I am creating a Christmas room and I would love to buy those Christmas furniture items from you(: Just post below or message me and we can work out price and items(:
Looking for:
Holiday Green Wreath
Snowman GOLD
Gumdrop Chair (Red, Yellow, Green)
Candy Cane (Green, Blue, Red)
Chocolate Bar Carpet
Gingerbread Roof 1x1 Block
Gingerbread Wall With Doorway
Gingerbread Wall With Lights
Gingerbread Corner
Gingerbread Wall With Window
Gingerbread Roof 2x1 Block
Gingerbread Roof Corner Block
Snow Carpet
Gingerbread Door
Gingerbread Roof 3x1 Block
Gingerbread Roof Steeple Block
Gingerbread Roof Chimney Block
Gingerbread Block
Candy Lollipop Tree
Candy Lollipop Flower (Red, Green)
Standing Mint Block (Red, Green)
Flat Mint Block (Red, Green)
Candy Cane Lighted Pole
Candy Cane Fence
Blizzard Beach Small Rock
Blizzard Beach Tall Rock
Toy Soldier (Red, Green)
Ice Cube Chair
Mickey Christmas Tree
Rainbow Lollipop Tree (Green, Pink, Red, Yellow)
Candy Cane Yellow
Santa's Chair
Candy Music Tile (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
Toontown Fireplace
Stack Of Presents
Fireworks Fountain Cone (Small, Big)
Fireworks Sparkler Wheel
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