
Hi, im currently looking to trade a few items of mine for a few different things and id like to know what they're worth in credits or gc before i go around trading away my possessions. (most of these things are the items im looking for)

1x Blizzard Beach Ski Chair
15x ALR Chesire Pins
15x PPR Mermaid (1)
15x PPR Peter Pan
Anna Winter Outfit (with and without the hat)
Elsa Winter Outfit (with and without the crown)
Alice Skirt
Alice Shoes
Mermaid 1 pins go for around 7 firewalls right now I believe so 15x7 for 15 of them.
Peter Pan pins can go for a gc each so 7 firewalls for 15?
Full alice I believe goes for a gc? so w/o top maybe a bit under?
Blizzard chairs don't cost much either.
Anna and elsa outfits are a gc for each one full.
chesire pins aren't much either I think you could get one for like 3k if even that at most?


Well-Known Member
Blizzard Beach Ski Chair: I've seen 7 per giftcard so maybe like 1.5K
ALR Chesire Pins: I personally traded one for 1K yesterday
PPR Mermaid (1): Around 15 giftcards each
PPR Peter Pan: Around 1 giftcard each
Anna Winter Outfit/Elsa Winter Outfit/Alice Skirt/Alice Shoes
I'm not great with outfits so go with the prices above ^^^ lol


Have a Magical Day!
Blizzard Beach Ski Chair: I've seen 7 per giftcard so maybe like 1.5K
ALR Chesire Pins: I personally traded one for 1K yesterday
PPR Mermaid (1): Around 15 giftcards each
PPR Peter Pan: Around 1 giftcard each
Anna Winter Outfit/Elsa Winter Outfit/Alice Skirt/Alice Shoes
I'm not great with outfits so go with the prices above ^^^ lol
I agree with King right on with the values.
1x Blizzard Beach Ski Chair- 4-6k ish
15x ALR Chesire Pins- like 1k each.
15x PPR Mermaid (1)- mermaid 1 is worth about 6-8 walls.
15x PPR Peter Pan- 1 Gc
Anna Winter Outfit (with and without the hat)- 1 GC
Elsa Winter Outfit (with and without the crown)- 1GC
Alice Skirt- 4k
Alice Shoes- 8k
OH!!! Ok. My bad. Wow, good luck. A lot of people have been having troubles just getting one.