Why such as small screen?


Well-Known Member
Why is the game screen sooooo tiny? I know we can maximize the screen but that doesn't enlarge the game screen itself, just Chrome. I'm on an Alienware gaming laptop and things are running REALLY slow and the game playing area/screen is way to small :(
That's the way it's always been if it's like 800 by 600 perhaps zoom?


Well-Known Member
Because that's the resolution it runs at, it's the same thing if you try to run an older game. If they scaled it up it'd probably look awful.


Well-Known Member
My screen is small too, it might have to do with my screen resolution being 1980 x 1080. I thought others with smaller screen resolutions like 1366 x 768 had larger screens?


Well-Known Member
I suppose I could've asked hubby this question since he's in IS/IT, but I seriously don't remember the game being so tiny :o