Wiki Tiki Spins

Welcome to Wiki Tiki Spins!

Step right up and into the Tiki Paradise! When you arrive, hop on the waterslide and await your turn to play!

Three players will enter, each taking a seat before ensuring everyone knows the rules.

This is a simple and fun generator elimination game. On the phrase "Wiki Tiki Spins!" all three players will spin their generator.

The player with the lowest number will exit via the waterslide to their left.

Should there be a tie between the lowest number, those two players will roll again to determine who is eliminated.

The remaining two players will continue and roll again.

The winner will have two options; a 2.5K credit prize or roll double or nothing.

If the winner chooses double or nothing, they will roll their generator against me.

If the player loses, they walk away with nothing, if they win, they will receive 5K credits.

All players will exit and the next three will enter!

I will be hosting these Thursday nights from 6-7PM EST. The first game will likely be held this week, look for a bump post for an update on this!

Thanks everyone! Look forward to seeing you out there.​