Will not let you Overlap rugs


Well-Known Member
Amy said she changed it so that two different height items cannot be stacked on top of each other unless they are directly on top of each other. I'm presuming in the code that rugs are still of some height... 0.1 for example, meaning that you can't overlap them on and off as there's a height different between the on and off positions of the rugs. You shouldn't have the problem if you place the rugs directly next to one another however :-)


Well-Known Member
They changed it because it was causing issues.
Amy posted on FB:
Thought I'd post about this somewhere. We did an update earlier and it introduced some fixes to some of the problems you've been talking about. Now for example you can't crash with a rotation bug anymore, stacking should be completely consistent (the problem you were having where items would fall to the bottom was interesting, because if you left your room for more than five seconds instead of reloading the problem wouldn't even be there! provided noone else was in the room that is).

I've also made it so you can't place things on varying heights... this might be unwelcome for some, but it's for the best. I've also decreased the item limit, but it had to be done, in rooms that aren't just pixels the old one was causing so many glitches (most likely due to shockwave running out of sprite channels).
The over-lapping option was removed from the game Astronaut =)