An Altar for Amy, (Formerly listed as "Regarding "Tiffiny<3" ")

I must now gain Amy's favor.
Here is the altar thus far:

I have seen this lovely pin staring back at me from the screen, directly into my soul, since the day I started (actually it was on the lanyard of the first person I clicked on and I was instantly confused.) Upon asking everyone with said lovely green pin what in the world it meant, I was met with the same general confusion and uncertainty.

Could anyone clear up this mystery for me, so that one day I may be able to have my one true MyVMK love join me on my lanyard? (Shh, don't tell the ashes.)

Odd, someone sent this to me - no name attached.


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Odd, someone sent this to me - no name attached.
Oh my goodness.
I'm going to frame that and put it by the altar.

I have some concerns.....
Please list them, sir.

please burn this thank you
I'll move the "Happiness Patrol" version of the TARDIS trashcan nearer to your altar and dispose of it immediately, senpai!

This is a far superior book anyway.

Thank you for noticing me!