Game Reset?


Pokemon Master
What if the game was completely reset, where all items are erased and everyone has to play starting all over. I've been logging into this game on and off for about the past year or so now, and each time I only manage to stay on for approximately 15 minutes. Everything seems dead, and most of my friends either don't play anymore or are on very little just like me. Most rooms I see are either empty or filled with random event items that no one uses. I'd rather start over and have everyone work towards something again and play collectively, rather than everyone have everything and get more junk. Just a suggestion!
@Bernie Possibly, I just don't think that would be the fix to getting alot of players coming back to the game.. I think the game is a lil far gone for that. I don't disagree with you about the items though. I don't have everything though lol no flip hat or stitch.. hard to get them.
I think it would make the players stay away. A lot of the players that have quit have played since day 1. I'm sure they wouldn't be too thrilled to come back one day and find out the inventory they earned is now totally missing. This would make them stay indefinitely


Pokemon Master
I think it would make the players stay away. A lot of the players that have quit have played since day 1. I'm sure they wouldn't be too thrilled to come back one day and find out the inventory they earned is now totally missing. This would make them stay indefinitely
That's the thing tho, they quit...none of them are wanting to come back or are even thinking of doing so from my knowledge, and some of them sold all their stuff before they left so there's nothing to come back for. But the idea wasn't really meant to bring people back it was to revive the already dead game lol but it's a giant "what if" of an idea
That would be the nail in the coffin and finish off whoever remains because that's like telling the current players "I know you played the game but there isn't enough of you playing so all that stuff you worked for well you're just going to have to work for it again" the only "Reset" I would agree with is the structure of the staff. Not saying staff is bad but there is no organization such as how we've had months of no chest releases, no constant releases, false promises, and just plain silence. I'm not telling staff how to run business but business is not booming especially if someone thinks erasing everyone's progress is the solution


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I think one reason why the game is so empty is because not a lot of people can get on. Whether they have a mac, or constantly fighting with their browsers and shockwave. We've lost a big chunk of players due to that issue. Hopefully, we'll regain some of our community once the new client is ready, and logging on will be much less of a hassle. (there is no set date on the new client, but it will come in due time.)
I dont think taking away everyone's hard earned items is the best way to liven up this place, but I do see your point. It is nice trying to work towards a new goal, and thats why we try to add new items, and new "rares" as much as we can. :paw::hearts:
I think the thing is, yes you can make friends but I can talk to them outside of the game. Inside the game yes we chat but it's also big on collecting items. To strip everyone and just restart isn't really feasible. Most players would just give up and quit, and that doesn't mean they'll drop their friends, they'll just find another game to play with their friends. Why put time and effort into a game just to lose everything? And then that would warrant the fear of; "why collect again? Will they just reset again?" It's just not worth the effort. People who quit for one reason or another won't come back just because it's been reset. It doesn't solve any of the issues going on except the lack of older items in circulation but in a couple years it's going to happen the same way. So what we reset every couple years? There has to be a more realistic and feasible option.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I feel like that would definitely keep people away. I know a lot of us has worked very hard to get their items and if everything was taken away just like that, nobody would stay. I think Nala is correct. A lot of the players played on macs and now they are unable to get on. I'm sure if they would be, this game would be a little more busier.
I think one reason why the game is so empty is because not a lot of people can get on. Whether they have a mac, or constantly fighting with their browsers and shockwave.
I definitely second this. I'm pretty good with tech and it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to get the game to even run (eventually had to download an old version of Firefox and a not-so-readily-apparent version of Shockwave). And I'm on a PC. The process would seemingly be even more convoluted on a Mac. And for someone who isn't as tech-savvy and is just trying to give the game a try, they might not be as willing or able to troubleshoot it.

Erasing everyone's progress would be a surefire way to get the die-hards to quit, and as much as many of them seem to enjoy reporting people for nothing, they're keeping the game afloat right now. I think that once the game becomes more accessible / less frustrating, people need to start some grassroots promotional efforts (posting in Disney-related forums, bringing in IRL friends) if they want to see the userbase grow.


Well-Known Member
I have only been playing since beauty and the beast month and i think a game reset as you suggest would do more harm then good. I would definately quit if this happened....however, im all in support of re-releases or new versions of older items when timed correctly.

I play this game casually and am not on everyday cause im busy with RL and play other games but i try to be on for all the quests and to enjoy the events when i can.
I'll leave what I've said up for reference in case this decides to be a last resort solution then. I really don't care for the argument against current players losing their imaginary items over this idea because that's literally what I'm proposing, but if everyone's happy with the way things are, I'm not going to try and change that. Ash's argument won me over that there are people still playing I'd wanna meet anyway lol
Really? Of all the people in the game, you want to meet @ash. ley? That's super incorrect.

Lel nah, but seriously, she and I and a couple other folks are the coolest people playing this game right now. It's kind of an exclusive crew, but if you're cool then maybe we'll talk to you.


I shoot when you're stuck.
(there is no set date on the new client, but it will come in due time.)
IIRC, there's been talk of this fantastic new client since ive joined, which is over 3 years ago. It would be nice if we were given something (Progress examples, update logs....anything) to show that anything is even being done. Something other than "It's being worked on".

But back to the topic at hand, No, I don't think a game reset would help the game at all, but actually hurt and/or kill it (You think it's dead now? Just wait and see how little people come on when their items they spent years working towards disappear). This is coming from somebody who would benefit greatly from a reset. I've given away my items several times since ive joined, I used to be into the whole trading game and accumulating wealth, but these days I just come on to play pirates and see friends.

Honestly, I don't think the game will ever return to the popularity that it had before, for several reasons:

  • Development appears to have come to a halt, or slow down to a glacial pace. This is just not about the new client (Though Amys original thread was posted in 2013...), When was the last time a large/meaningful update was added to the server? I've taken a lot of breaks from MyVMK, but the last one I remember was credit trading (Which ill bring up in a future point). There's still a slew of original features that are missing from MyVMK, as well as original ideas posted in the suggestion forum, but we've heard nothing. Whether this is because Amy has lost motivation to continue updating the game, or has become overwhelmed because she is the only one working on it. This is the only one of the Disney MMO remakes (TTR and its many alternate versions, Pirates Online, Club Penguin Rewritten) that only has ONE developer working on it. A lot of players started playing because of the nostalgia from their childhood. For most people, this eventually wears off, and unless there is some reason to keep playing (Like new and updated features in-game), people will leave.
  • The item economy is in the trash. If you were a brand new player who joined today, and you saw all these players with items you coveted as a child, you may ask "Ok, what can I do to trade for those?". It is incredibly hard for new players to even come close to the level of wealth older players have. Their best bet is likely to play friendlies in the Pirates lobby on the weekends during double credits, spend all day for several days grinding keys and credits, and try to trade your way up, but even this is difficult because the value of credits have inflated so much due to credit trading. Players who want to purchase new items no longer need to come online and spend time playing minigames to do so, they'll just trade one of their rares from a year or two or three ago for a boatload of credits, and be set forever. Doesn't help when none of these rares are ever re-released. Do we really need a new color inferno magic for every competition? Are you that afraid of making rich players upset that more red infernos got added into the game? I had a friend I was speaking to earlier this week who bought a hat for a few hundred thousand credits, and just shrugged it off because she has ~3 million credits. Do you realize how many countless hours of Pirates-playing it would take to get even a few hundred thousand?
  • Lack of communication between players and staff. This includes communication of progress of updates (A changelog would be greatly appreciated. I remember a year or two ago amy implemented one but was quickly abandoned and/or removed), communication of current features that are broken (Blind Bags? Ammo spawns in POTC? hello, staff, anyone home?), and just the vagueness of most staff statements in general. When a problem arises, staff will sometimes respond, and when they do, they usually say something akin to "We just found out about it! It will be fixed soon! :)". Than 3 weeks will go by with not one word from anybody, and we're all just sitting here wondering whats going on. I mean this is an easy fix in my opinion. When staff respond to an issue (Such as blind bags or at the beginning of the month when chest prizes were not changed out, for current examples), either give a firm fix date, or give constant updates. I know a firm fix date is likely never going to happen (We had one originally for Pirates release, look what happened there), but in that case giving us an update every few days to let us know it's being worked on and hopefully share with us some progress or legitimate reason (No, not "oops, looks like we spent too much time at the beach") on why the fix is delayed. It was cute when we were all kids to say something like that, now it just translates to "We were not prepared for this, please hold while we scramble to get prepared". Almost everyone who plays this game is an Adult. You can be straightforward with your reasons and statements regarding delays.

I don't mean to be a negative nancy, but i doubt the game will return to the status it once did, if only because the majority of players who left did so because they no longer have time to play due to life (As most of us are in college/graduating and finding full time jobs/working), the nostalgia has worn off and any friendships made in-game can easy be maintained over skype, or people just lose interest in the staleness of the game and don't want to spend all day grinding for a chance to win a rare collection of pixels. You're not going to get these players back no matter what you do. And there is 0% chance that this game can gain actual new players to make up for the ones that have left/are leaving. There's just not enough of them. Im sure 99%+ of people who play this game played the original. This game just doesn't interest those who haven't. Most people who played the original and have the time/desire to play a remake have already found us and joined. Nothing can be done about that, except trying to keep the existing playerbase the game has. Resetting everybodies items would be a sure way to lose a good chunk of that playerbase.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to be a negative nancy, but i doubt the game will return to the status it once did, if only because the majority of players who left did so because they no longer have time to play due to life (As most of us are in college/graduating and finding full time jobs/working), the nostalgia has worn off and any friendships made in-game can easy be maintained over skype, or people just lose interest in the staleness of the game and don't want to spend all day grinding for a chance to win a rare collection of pixels. You're not going to get these players back no matter what you do. And there is 0% chance that this game can gain actual new players to make up for the ones that have left/are leaving. There's just not enough of them. Im sure 99%+ of people who play this game played the original. This game just doesn't interest those who haven't. Most people who played the original and have the time/desire to play a remake have already found us and joined. Nothing can be done about that, except trying to keep the existing playerbase the game has. Resetting everybodies items would be a sure way to lose a good chunk of that playerbase.
I agree with most of what you said except i think we can maybe get a significnat amount of players when the new client is released. I found this game prior to joining quite some time ago but couldnt get myvmk to work for me so i gave up and went on to other things. I only joined when i did cause i stumbled across the game again and was able to use the client to get on.


I shoot when you're stuck.
I agree with most of what you said except i think we can maybe get a significnat amount of players when the new client is released. I found this game prior to joining quite some time ago but couldnt get myvmk to work for me so i gave up and went on to other things. I only joined when i did cause i stumbled across the game again and was able to use the client to get on.
Oh sure, the new client would allow people who haven't played to play, I'm not denying that. Just that it wouldn't be enough people to make the game as populated as it once was. There used to be a lot more people on than there are these days.


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Oh sure, the new client would allow people who haven't played to play, I'm not denying that. Just that it wouldn't be enough people to make the game as populated as it once was. There used to be a lot more people on than there are these days.
Actually, we have Contact Forms come in on a daily basis from new users trying to get into the game and needing help that use a Mac. There is a lot of evidence that shows with a new client there would be more players than what we are seeing now.