My Perspective on Recent Events

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"I completely stand by my decision to make Absolem and Kali administrators. They proved to me they would be able to do it, and they are doing a great job."
That right there says favoritism will win and the wrong people are the ones that get promoted.
Whelp, that's it, I'm out.
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Well-Known Member
After thoroughly reading *almost* every post on the matter that has taken place during the passed few days, I personally see it just and fitting the VMK_Kali/LisaWDW's player's head is on Regina George's body. It seems as though she's the one running this thing as Amy is turning a blind eye to all the harm she has done to the community/staff just because Amy "trusts" her. Unfortunately, everything seems to have been, and being, exposed, and still nothing. Maybe like the movie, things will continue to unravel until someone gets hit by a school bus. But until then...

Who has been personally been victimized by Kali/Lisa?


Well-Known Member
Or you know, they might have just needed a laugh after basically being attacked by more than half the players in this community. I am sure they are trying their hardest behind the scenes to be able to straighten things out. I mean more than half the staff left. That has got to be hard on them. It seems that people forget they have lives outside of this game and can't always be on top of things. They need some time to mend this. At least give them a chance.[DOUBLEPOST=1431047760][/DOUBLEPOST]

You have to realize that people can have a change in heart. Does nobody understand the meaning of forgiveness anymore?
you must be staff lol


What is happening?
@Amy, if you were to take a poll of how many players approved of Kali being a member of staff, or how many players even would consider her friendly, the results would seem to be resoundingly negative towards her.
All my interactions with Kali were very pleasant, but I trust all the players I've seen who have said that Kali has been awful to them - not just with this recent drama, not just with the Skype chats, but generally awful in-game.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately, @Amy has run we're stuck with the other two

Don't forgot all the staff friends and butt kissers that will probably now be hired as mods and hosts. Favouritism is obviously a problem with a few admins. From what I have heard, when choosing new staff, current staff get asked if they should become staff or not, and their opinions matters.

Doubt anyone who shed a negative opinion to this new regime in recent days will be treated favourably in the process of choosing new staff or by the current staff if they're short listed.

Can't wait!


After thoroughly reading *almost* every post on the matter that has taken place during the passed few days, I personally see it just and fitting the VMK_Kali/LisaWDW's player's head is on Regina George's body. It seems as though she's the one running this thing as Amy is turning a blind eye to all the harm she has done to the community/staff just because Amy "trusts" her. Unfortunately, everything seems to have been, and being, exposed, and still nothing. Maybe like the movie, things will continue to unravel until someone gets hit by a school bus. But until then...

Who has been personally been victimized by Kali/Lisa?
i'm laughing amy didn't even make the gif it was posted on a burn blog and Amy said she thought it was hilarious so she used it as a joke
Doubt anyone who shed a negative opinion to this new regime in recent days will be treated favourably in the process of choosing new staff or by the current staff if they're short listed.
In that case even I can tell who the next 3 staff are going to be seeing as there are only about that many players who have rushed to the Staffs' defence LOL

I burnt my bridges, that's for sure :p


Smile and the world smiles with you
The sad thing is she has set them up for failure. Even if she chose other players by some miracle. No one will believe it. So the mistrust will continue through the game. People will be searching for anything they do wrong no matter how small to bring them down. Which is really not fair. She does not see the big picture here.
I do sincerely hope that those new staffs that get chosen are actually ones who can make a difference and actually want to improve the community and whatnot, despite everything as of recent. While I wouldn't be too surprised if they choose friends, I am still crossing my fingers and toes hoping to see some fresh-faced friendly faces with a high reputation for courteousness in game. :)
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