Official Suggestions Thread!


Well-Known Member
This may not be a very popular suggestion but....

No "baby" rooms allowed.....I mean really?

Sorry I just never saw the point behind this type of room. (I will jump off my soapbox now)
cruise said:
This may not be a very popular suggestion but....

No "baby" rooms allowed.....I mean really?

Sorry I just never saw the point behind this type of room. (I will jump off my soapbox now)
I will admit.. I was into the "" thing when I first started vmk. Okay, I was 10. 10 year old girls like to play 'mommy and daddy' or 'house'.. or at least I did. lol
cruise said:
This may not be a very popular suggestion but....

No "baby" rooms allowed.....I mean really?

Sorry I just never saw the point behind this type of room. (I will jump off my soapbox now)
Not a fan, but I'd be against making a rule against having them. If people want to do that, they should be able to. Plus it'd be nostalgiac.
The_Jedi_Master said:
cruise said:
This may not be a very popular suggestion but....

No "baby" rooms allowed.....I mean really?

Sorry I just never saw the point behind this type of room. (I will jump off my soapbox now)
Not a fan, but I'd be against making a rule against having them. If people want to do that, they should be able to. Plus it'd be nostalgiac.
It would actually make me really happy to see "" rooms.. so many memories.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I knew it wouldn't be a popular suggestion, just never understood why some had it.

I will admit.. I was into the "" thing when I first started vmk. Okay, I was 10. 10 year old girls like to play 'mommy and daddy' or 'house'.. or at least I did. lol
this I could understand I suppose for the younger kids. Just guess I will never be a fan of it. Of course, I didn't care for cute or boot either :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
LOL you guys remember KeganStory's room? "where finds people and people find" It was always on the room list even though there was like 0 people. It cracked me up every time.


Well-Known Member
1. I would like to see the reintroduction of Community Leaders (CL_'s) into the game. Obviously you can just hire staff here, there and everywhere as you wouldn't be able to get to know them all well enough and trust them enough. CL_'s were a lesser role, people who were seen to uphold rules, be helpful to other players and generally pleasant people who helped around the kingdom and also sometimes with staff in events. I think it would be useful to have people around the kingdom that newer players would be able to ask questions to who would be able to respond as they know the game and it's partly their job to help out.

If not CL_'s, then more staff around the kingdom who would do a lot of the same. Either way I thought it was nice to have people in the community who would usually always help out.

2. I'd also like a limit on clones. It's one thing to have an account to store items/ create rooms etc and its another to have increased daily credits from NPC's/ minigames and an unfair advantage in HOST events/ other events where you have to queue to get in rooms and people could stack the queue with their clones. Not sure how it would be done but I don't think it's really in the spirit of the game to get unfair advantages over others so if there is anyway to limit or stop this then great.

3. No staff favouritism. I get that staff get to know people and are meant to be friendly but they can have second, non staff accounts to make friends on here. It should be their duty to do what they are meant to do and not have friends/ favourites on their staff accounts. I think it would be a shame for people to get to either help out staff or get unreleased items or whatever else just because they are friends with staff. It's one thing for staff to be nice, friendly and get to know people, it's another to give people advantages over other payers for such reasons. Staff should be there to protect and keep the game in order.

4. 2, maybe 3 filters on the game. The dictionary is a key part in games like this. Many people who played the game before are now older, however there are still players, new and old, who are in a younger crowd. I think it would be effective and well supported to have 2 or 3 filters. I think one maybe should be as strict as VMK's, another should still have a blacklist but be given a lot more freedom (which should be used wisely). Obviously this wouldn't mean cussing people out would be tolerated, or even being inappropriate or vulgar as such behaviour would still be banable. Instead it would allow players young to be kept safe, but still allow older players to talk more openly but still with restrictions. I don't know how possible such an update would be on this game but I think it would be the right thing to do. I wouldn't enjoy going back to the old VMK days of dictionary dancing every other word because it wasn't approved but would still like a blacklist of terms and words so people wouldn't be able to easy abuse the system.

For now that's it I guess. Going over a few points other have posted and I support and maybe adding a few of my own suggestions into the mix. I'm just glad the game I love will be coming back.
I concur with Lost's post. I was not agreeing completely, but was convinced with the well explained reasonings for Lost's suggestions.


Well-Known Member
InaDaze said:
Meanestpianist said:
1. No random staff giveaways or inadequately announced or short-lived sales! One thing that bugged me the most about ovmk was how the staff would keep releasing exclusive items away on their live streams. If you don't know someone who had the code you were out of luck. If this no random giveaways is a well known rule, people may not attack the staff as much with unnecessary "can i please have XXX".

2. Allow clones but not excessively. Many people are suggesting 2. I'd like to see it higher. I have a few ideas of characters I'd like to play as but with 2 I'm limited to my boy and girl characters and couldn't bring back any of my other clones I use to use on vmk that I enjoyed playing as.

3. Above all, try to restore and uphold the integrity, feel, and magic that vmk once held. More on this on #4.

4. Work on aspects of the game, NPCs, mini-games before new content that wasn't on vmk originally is developed. New stuff is cool but we just want our pirates and fireworks back before we develop that new awesome amazing hat! How will we even pay for it lol. Are the pixels going to be released again? I know many people liked them but I felt they resembled items that might be found in VFK over vmk. I'm not sure why they couldn't have just been like colored ice cubes or something. We have plenty of items to go through before we would even have to start developing new ones to keep players interest.

5. Make in game staff members have some distance from their players. I know people like to be in the know but this creates unfair advantages when your best friend becomes a staff member. If someone becomes a staff member who is a normal player, I'd suggest they get a new account as a host and not reveal who they are in the game previously. Remember on vmk? With a few exceptions, we really didn't know much about the staff members. They didn't even post on forums or anything. If they did it would quickly result in favoritism, jealousy, drama, etc.

6. Keep the community informed. We all saw what happened to ovmk and the crazed madness when we were looking for answers. Remember how Yavn speaks was hardly ever updated? I'd like to see weekly newsletters published by someone either a PR staff or Amy or even switch it up from time to time to hear what is being worked on. Publish all this information on the home page. Live streams are cool for behind the scenes looks and stuff but publish them all and do not giveaway items during them.
I like most of this. It's all really good and #6 really bothered me when VMK was open xD

1. Random giveaways I am actually for but they shouldn't be anything rare. Maybe like a giveaway of something that is about to be released like in a week for everyone to buy. I was one of the 50 lucky people on VMK that got a Dancing Inferno magic when they gave those out for a short period randomly ^.^ So maybe in time do something like that with giveaways. Or maybe something resembling what VMK did during the Dream Month. I wasn't here during that time of OVMK but I do agree that stuff shouldn't rewarded through streams.

2. I'm not all that highly interested in clones but I see why people would want them. I'm just happy with one account as long as I get to play. I know the purpose for clones but I don't think they are needed.

3. Simple, but yet can only be achieved with the whole community and not just staff.

4. I stand behind this 100%, can not be said any better!

5. Well... This subject is quite difficult... I didn't even think about the staff being possible members from the VMK community but I thought many of them were originally hired by Disney or Sulake. No one had any real clue about them, which in my opinion and what yours is must remain. Staff need to be able to handle themselves properly and be professional. They can not become buddies with certain players or favor them. Whoever is chosen to become staff must be able to control themselves. In my opinion it's completely fine for people to know who they are. It's up to that staff member control their situation and all of the people that affect them. It's going to be difficult for any staff member to be able to hide who they are with how many people are here at the moment.

6. Oh Yavn... I always forgot that he was the head honcho at times when he kept disappearing for weeks at a time xD
I agree with the original post and the updated one!


Foamy said:
1. Dealing with "clones":

Having multiple accounts will be harmful to the economy as we start out and therefore should be disallowed or at least limited to a small number. If I had to pick a number of accounts that we are allowed, I say the sweet spot would be around two. You posted in the thread about clones that they would be hard to manage and keep track of. Here is my suggestion. With the proper staff, taking care of excess clones shouldn't be a problem. All we need to do is have someone on staff inspecting the trade logs to ensure that a) no one has more than the allotted number of accounts, b) if they do have more accounts than are permitted, they are punished accordingly on the grounds of gaining an unfair advantage. You mentioned in the other thread about this subject that tracking people with multiple accounts to see who is abusing them is difficult. It isn't. All you need to do is check the IP address for multiple accounts, then check the trade logs between accounts and see if they're giving items to one central account. If they are, you can bet they're abusing their secondary account(s) to gain an unfair advantage.

2. Economy:

The issue of the economy is an important one, but one that should not be pushed immediately. The economy needs to be built up over time. This means there needs to be a schedule for when items are released, when items are removed, and what items will be exclusive to contests and events. I think that starting off, items should strictly be added. After a brief period of time, possibly a week or so, items can begin being removed on a scheduled basis. This schedule is not to be made public, and I recommend keeping it to one person (and of course all those above said person) who will be in charge of the aforementioned duties. Creating an economy is an important part of the game, but it is something that needs to come over a gradual period of time and cannot be done overnight.

3. Events:

One of the biggest problems with Open VMK was the way they handled events. With MMK, events should be held off until we're certain that the server can handle the maximum capacity with little to no lag. When events DO happen, make sure to announce it first ahead of time via the forums and other official channels of communication so as to avoid backlash and keep the community informed. When we start having events, that is when we'll need an event calendar. The event calendar should be located on both the forums and the game's main page to keep as many people informed as possible. Most importantly, before you have any events make sure to have a test run. Make it clear that it's a test run, and provide an official thread for feedback whenever a test run is attempted. With this feedback, you can tweak the events so as to make them as fair as possible and keep the community happy.

4. Staff:

When hiring staff, there needs to be a clear criteria and everyone needs to go through a screening process. On the application form, ask applicants questions. What would they do in a certain situation? Get to know them, make sure they're personable. Don't stop at qualifications, read over applications and take interviews via Skype. Keep the applications open to anyone and everyone and make it known you're hiring staff beforehand so everyone has the opportunity to apply. Ensure that every staff member knows their job description, that they can maintain a standard level of professionalism, devote their time to the game and/or the forums, and take their position very seriously. If they step out of line, punish them accordingly and let them know that poor behavior will NOT be tolerated.

5. The rules:

On the forums, try not to be too strict. Allow for open discussion, criticisms within reason, and most importantly feedback. Sit down with the staff, discuss what the rules are going to be, and separate the rules on the forum from the rules in the game. The sooner the rules are laid out, the better. The clearer the rules are, the less they'll have to be enforced. One of the things I didn't like about OVMK was that not only was their moderation subjective, their rules were vague. If you are going to use social media to communicate, DO NOT enforce "PII".

6. Social Media:

MAKE USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. Ensure that you have and maintain all of the official channels. Tumblr and twitter were both very active and continue to be for OVMK, so I suggest using those for MMK. The goal here is to keep as many people up to date as possible and avoid rumors and misinformation. I recommend having a separate staff to handle social media. The less people in more roles, the better.

I will update this with more as it comes to me.

In response to Foamy's suggestions: This is a nice start to things. I believe social media is going to play a big part of things, it enables a broad community. VMK was 5 years ago, so all the 12-19 year olds are about 17-24+ - I enjoy the more open filter on things, with exception of bad words/profanity/suggestive/sexual themes. But since we are all of a more mature age, I believe that social media will fall into our graces and benefits. Also, we should be able to discuss topics we deem whatever, whether it be silly things like food (chick-fil-a/etc like freedom filter instead of the ### for every wrong word spelt) or other little tidbits on the news. Yes, there is a possibility that 10-15 year olds will be playing, but with a more flexible filter and the use of social media is what will help MMK flourish. The staff of course needs to be of a mature age, possibly 20-30s depending on such elements; community leaders and hosts should be allowed to be of "the age" (17-24) because as peers it allows people to further communicate and express their ideas in such a way. [Psychology is getting to my headnowadays, ha ha ha] but of course, a lot of change for the better is good. I agree with foamy that there should be separate staff aside to run the Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr accounts as the third party website who settles disputes and rumors. A little bit of arguement among users is healthy and lets people rant/express their ideas and such, but the actually moderators must act on a non-biased and clarified response/mature manner.

Long live Vmk! I agree with the social media though, it's a good idea. And less strict filters. Thanks for reading everyone!


disney pin trader since 2004
sorry if anything i've said has already been posted, i didn't read anyone else's suggestions yet.

i think we should have cl's who are just people who seem to have mature qualities (i mean, we're probably all mature at this point but still...)
i think that the "hosts" should be people who are admins on here
i think we should have an official tumblr and a staff for the tumblr page who can post game updates and answer any ask box questions
i also think that each ip should be set to having one account unless specifically stated that there is more than one person in the household playing the game.


Well-Known Member
lright, so I want to put my opinion out there, but I don't want anyone to think I am trying to backseat mod. This is just a suggestion that I want everyone's opinion on. Nick has spent two years of his life working to get VMK back for us and, as far as I know, he made bad choices for staff that led him down the wrong path. He got to see his dream for about two weeks and then he lost it. I don't think it is fair to leave him in the dust. He did help make a lot of this game. I want to ask if he can have some position as staff. I don't think it was him that wanted Amy gone, but he was outnumbered in a group decision. Unless I have my facts wrong, I think it is unfair to let NIck's hard work go to waste. What do you guys think? I'm not saying even if we all agree it has to be done, but I just wanted to put my thoughts out there. Please no arguments!
I would personally like the option to be able to give one other person the ability to move furniture in a room. Say if two are hosting an event for people and one disconnects or has to go afk, the other should be able to keep things going.

I would also like to see a room spot reserved for the owner so if they dc as mentioned above, a guest doesn't have to leave in order for the owner to be let back in.

Just my two cents~