Silver Snowman

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Holy cow this is wonderful.. Even has the shine in the right places!


Well-Known Member
Ok if @Evehist could get credit for the hairstyles, where is @hogie's credit for the pretty silver snowman?
Hogie's snowman didn't go in game. If it had, he would have received credit for it. For those of you who have the "they don't give credit" narrative, this post won't change your mind. However, Tink made the Silver Snowman to be released for last year's just was never added to the game till this year.

@Evehist I did see the pop-up giving you credit for your hairs, so it was at least announced in-game.


Sometimes I art.
You got credit in the popup that announced the new hair arrived :D
Oh I see! Well that's good to hear. I will say a staff member had contacted me about making the hairstyles and I asked to recieve credit for them. So In my own case I didn't allow much room to not be given some form of credit, I didn't plan on going through the effort without a promise of being given credit.

Also I think this "game suggestions" category is used as just that, suggestions and if the suggestion is taken and remade/redrawn by someone like Tink, I can see why they wouldn't think to give credit to the person who had the orginal idea because though the items your seeing were orginally suggested by someone doesn't mean their exact image was the one used. Ex. The sparky hat posted by Hogie orginally seems to be different not in position or design really much at all, but in coloring, also theres around 5 different positions a character has, each requiring a different picture/drawling to fit the angle. Making that at least 4 orginal images someone on staff made themselves without even a reference like a suggested image. So at least 95% of that hat was probably made orginally by staff.

Though I do believe giving credit where credit is due and ideas themselves are important as without them we wouldn't have the hat as much as if staff never drew and implemented it. :)

However I don't know much in this case because I'm not well informed on the orgin story of the silver snowman XD
Hogie's snowman didn't go in game. If it had, he would have received credit for it. For those of you who have the "they don't give credit" narrative, this post won't change your mind. However, Tink made the Silver Snowman to be released for last year's just was never added to the game till this year.

@Evehist I did see the pop-up giving you credit for your hairs, so it was at least announced in-game.
Pics or didnt happen.


Well-Known Member
Pics or didnt happen.
Well, I'm sure I can ask Tink for pics, like I did with Sparky. However, that didn't assuage anyone's narrative who holds to the erroneous belief that staff steals artwork and/or doesn't give credit when credit is due.

I'm the one who asked Tink to make the Silver Snowman last year...and watched her make it. She even made too many rotations because she was just starting in her graphics design position and didn't know the ins and outs.
Well, I'm sure I can ask Tink for pics, like I did with Sparky. However, that didn't assuage anyone's narrative who holds to the erroneous belief that staff steals artwork and/or doesn't give credit when credit is due.

I'm the one who asked Tink to make the Silver Snowman last year...and watched her make it. She even made too many rotations because she was just starting in her graphics design position and didn't know the ins and outs.
I dunno if I got called out like this numerous times I probably would just start posting my ideas so people see at the exact moment instead of waiting till after someone else does then later claim that you made it before them.


just your friendly neighborhood allusion
I'm going to back up @Psycho here. Seeing as though Tink had this misunderstanding in the past, I would think that she would keep track of her work somewhere. It seems awfully coincidental that her work is contemporaneous with Hogie's. Likewise, I can assure you - many of us were there within the creation of Hogie's Silver Snowman. At the very least, I would expect a nod of the hat to Hogie's artwork, whether it be in the newsletter or a popup in game much like @Evehist had. Though recommending MUCH more, I would at least acknowledge this creation side by side with Tink's work, you know - because it'd be nice to see Hogie receive some much deserved credit some of the time.

Just to add, not to add controversy, but I may be a bit biased on this topic, seeing as though a dear friend of mine stopped creating artwork due to this type of thing. Just keeping that in mind.
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