Sleep Paralysis

Sounds terrifying. :c
It depends on what you see and how often it happens. It only happens to me seldom, like once every few months, but a year or so ago it happened frequently. After a while, when I woke up and couldnt move, the rational part of me knew what was happening and I could put myself to sleep. The first few times though are terrifying, because you feel trapped in your own body. I just remember feeling helppless and panicking, trying to move my arms and legs an not being able to.

Its even worse for the people who see things. Ive never seen the creatures, or if I have I dont remember them, but when others talk about the creatures hiding in the shadows or even sitting on their chests, it sounds horrifying..


Well-Known Member
It depends on what you see and how often it happens. It only happens to me seldom, like once every few months, but a year or so ago it happened frequently. After a while, when I woke up and couldnt move, the rational part of me knew what was happening and I could put myself to sleep. The first few times though are terrifying, because you feel trapped in your own body. I just remember feeling helppless and panicking, trying to move my arms and legs an not being able to.

Its even worse for the people who see things. Ive never seen the creatures, or if I have I dont remember them, but when others talk about the creatures hiding in the shadows or even sitting on their chests, it sounds horrifying..
No it's terrifying regardless. I saw nothing, yet the fact that you literally cannot move speak or comprehend much is scary.
No it's terrifying regardless. I saw nothing, yet the fact that you literally cannot move speak or comprehend much is scary.
I just meant it becomes less scary after its happened a lot. It was probably like the fifth time before I was able to calm down. People say that if you force yourself to go into the paralysis so you can fall back asleep, you can lucid dream, but Im too scared to try it ._. (Because of the paralysis)


☉ taurus ☽ aquarius ↑ leo
I've had this before when I was sleeping at my boyfriends' house, and I remember trying to scream and yell because I was so scared but not being able to make sound. It felt like someone was pushing down on my chest. Thankfully, I didn't open my eyes because I'm sure I would have saw some scary stuff.


Game of Gainz
Ive had this happen to me before, it felt like something was holding me down, it usually only lasts for like 1 minute then I go back to sleep.


l'antico vampiro
Hey guys and gals,

I know this thread is old...I don't see the need to start a new one. Thanks for putting this up, @Allons-y!

So, I can't say that I've ever had Sleep Paralysis, though, I have had some very 'strange' encounters over the years where I've seen/felt unexplainable things. I'll say this: I do believe that I have seen a "Shadow Person" (not when waking up or asleep, I was fully awake doing my day) and sometimes while I sleep, I feel something on me, but its never been more than that from what I remember over the years.
Maybe that last part is Sleep Paralysis? I don't even know.

The reason for my post is because, I was roaming around on YouTube a couple of days ago and ended up stumbling upon one of my favorite YouTubers who posted a video on this very subject a week or so ago. It's a fairly recent upload to that channel. I want to share the video with all of you in the hope that it helps with Sleep Paralysis, or, maybe see even more of what it's about. My heart goes out to you all who have had this happen and still have this happening in your lives.

I'm not sure what else to say other than, I saw this thread last year, but I didn't know if I should post or not back then. Now, I have a reason to share something with all of you. If you could please give this video a chance. Maybe even view it a few times. It's a really well put together video and worth the time to watch it.

If you click the little YouTube button on the vid, a new tab will open with the video and you can scroll down under the video to view over a thousand comments that were left by so many other people where they share their own experiences with Sleep Paralysis.

Hey @†_Beast_†, I thought maybe you'd be interested in seeing this post and video.

Have a great rest of your day everybody!

"Hey @†_Beast_†, I thought maybe you'd be interested in seeing this post and video."

Hmmm for some reason, I only get proper notification through these forums that way half the time. You'd figure the @ thing would work for that always eh…

Anywho, as per your video post ~ it reminds me of this girl that I was in contact with for an extended period due to her issues with this.

She has a chronic case of sleep paralysis and during the past seven years, I’ve spoken to her for free when I’ve had some time (she couldn’t afford to pay anything for my time – she was a full time college student at the start of this and plus I knew the pills weren’t working. After a few months of speaking to her and reading through her previous diagnoses and all the medical notes since her childhood, I knew that she needed immediate help with this case). She has suffered her entire life (case notes etc. documenting this, pills galore etc.) Just recently within the past three years or so, have I been able to help her due to how long it takes for chronic cases of this extreme nature. Because of confidentially and respecting another’s privacy, I won't get into specifics online but I can tell you how severe chronic cases can become for people and some of her symptoms. Her symptoms included (often all/at least one on a daily or weekly basis): (Honestly, not even sure if I can say the casual term on here so…) we’ll just say ‘forced fornication’ (from demonic entities – i.e. it doesn’t have to be an “incubus or succubus demon” – those are crude terms people use to label a specific demon who only does such in order to get a better grasp on something – in order words, people label things to understand them, such as this), she had severe sleep apnea (also afraid of falling asleep at times), horrific images of course, even cases of seeing herself lying in bed, like the soul temporarily leaving the body, where saw was able to see her own host (the body).

Now, her symptoms were incessant, of course many people might only suffer from one or none of these, depends on the case. I would also note that even though someone may suffer from one of these symptoms, it is imperative to know that it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will re-occur often or ever even happen again. For example, say a child or adult watches a horror film before going to bed, let’s say they have a dream about this film (because they found it scary or whatever and it was the last thing on their psyche) it’s then embedded into their conscience, their thoughts of a preconceived fear. It’s very plausible then when that individual awakes unintentionally, before their brain is essentially “ready”, to see strange visions. This is where it becomes very important to understand if it needs to be “thrown away” or studied. When I say thrown away, I mean forgotten about – which often times happens because the appropriate time isn't spent on it.

In some cases, unfortunately many individuals don’t get the proper help and live with it for a lifetime. I’ll say again, treatment has to be done per case basis and no that treatment is the same for every individual due to the nature of sleep paralysis. I don't think "more" prescriptions is always the answer as some medical professionals will do with this, often times (as I've said before in my last post – ‘a year ago’) the answer is found in time and done in the layering of peeling the conscience and subconscious mind, think of it like an onion peel. Even if a pill "works", you still have to consider possible side effects of the man-made pharmaceutical source and if the pill is simply just using an idiom like saying “placing a Band-Aid" over the problem itself, only to later open up that fresh wound or cause even more harm to the issue already at hand because of a severe lack in trying to diagnose and understand the problem at its core by human beings, in order to find a viable solution. Sure, people are fine at building upon technology that already has a concrete foundation but they’re terrible at other problems such as the mind and self, especially ones they fear to understand. Which is why, as I’ve said before in this thread, a living person suffering needs someone with multiple expertise, in a variety of fields. The other thing is, you also have to be aware of people just taking your money and feeding you ( ) bleep. Never trust someone offering advice/therapy for “14.95 an hour, call now” what a joke…lol. Those individuals are nothing but common thieves, feeding off the unfortunate events of another. They’re transparent, barefaced sinners, just as the man who has greed in the eye for his/her own monetary gain and using another being by any means necessary to obtain such.
OMG! I get this once in a blue moon! One night I was sleeping but I was not able to move. I could see real life and everything...the room looked the same and all I could do was open my eyes and I couldn't scream or move any part of my body. I looked up and on the ceiling was a woman in white and she looked like some exorcism girl and she was scratching the ceiling like a maniac! I think she was calling my name too. She was about to kill me! I was so scared.....Then my other incident with sleep paralysis was I was laying on my side on the edge of the bed.....AGAIN my eyes were open but I couldn't move/speak/wakeup. The grudge girl OMG was popping up from under the bed and her face was RIGHT in front of MY FACE! and she grabbed my arm and was getting closer....omg I was about to die. I HATE sleep paralysis.


l'antico vampiro
OMG! I get this once in a blue moon! One night I was sleeping but I was not able to move. I could see real life and everything...the room looked the same and all I could do was open my eyes and I couldn't scream or move any part of my body. I looked up and on the ceiling was a woman in white and she looked like some exorcism girl and she was scratching the ceiling like a maniac! I think she was calling my name too. She was about to kill me! I was so scared.....Then my other incident with sleep paralysis was I was laying on my side on the edge of the bed.....AGAIN my eyes were open but I couldn't move/speak/wakeup. The grudge girl OMG was popping up from under the bed and her face was RIGHT in front of MY FACE! and she grabbed my arm and was getting closer....omg I was about to die. I HATE sleep paralysis.

Sounds like this paragraph I mentioned above, especially about movie related material -

Now, her symptoms were incessant, of course many people might only suffer from one or none of these, depends on the case. I would also note that even though someone may suffer from one of these symptoms, it is imperative to know that it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will re-occur often or ever even happen again. For example, say a child or adult watches a horror film before going to bed, let’s say they have a dream about this film (because they found it scary or whatever and it was the last thing on their psyche) it’s then embedded into their conscience, their thoughts of a preconceived fear. It’s very plausible then when that individual awakes unintentionally, before their brain is essentially “ready”, to see strange visions. This is where it becomes very important to understand if it needs to be “thrown away” or studied. When I say thrown away, I mean forgotten about – which often times happens because the appropriate time isn't spent on it.

Has it only happened twice in your life?
Sounds like this paragraph I mentioned above, especially about movie related material -

Now, her symptoms were incessant, of course many people might only suffer from one or none of these, depends on the case. I would also note that even though someone may suffer from one of these symptoms, it is imperative to know that it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will re-occur often or ever even happen again. For example, say a child or adult watches a horror film before going to bed, let’s say they have a dream about this film (because they found it scary or whatever and it was the last thing on their psyche) it’s then embedded into their conscience, their thoughts of a preconceived fear. It’s very plausible then when that individual awakes unintentionally, before their brain is essentially “ready”, to see strange visions. This is where it becomes very important to understand if it needs to be “thrown away” or studied. When I say thrown away, I mean forgotten about – which often times happens because the appropriate time isn't spent on it.

Has it only happened twice in your life?
This happens like once a month for me or once every other month. I do remember a long loooong time ago when I was about 5 I saw myself sitting up in bed staring at the wall... and I could see myself but I was not in my body. I was like around the top ceiling in the corner staring down at me o.o happened like for 3 days.


l'antico vampiro
This happens like once a month for me or once every other month. I do remember a long loooong time ago when I was about 5 I saw myself sitting up in bed staring at the wall... and I could see myself but I was not in my body. I was like around the top ceiling in the corner staring down at me o.o happened like for 3 days.
I see, well how often do you watch horror movies?

It sounds like you’re only seeing images based on horror films from your description of experiences. If such films disturb you, I would recommend cutting back/not watching if it disturbs your dreams/sleep. If it bothers you that is, that would be the first thing to try and see if it makes any difference. If it doesn't make any difference then you'd have a case to study. I'd be happy to help if I have the time but I'd need a lot of information/questions etc. so it could take some time. Depends on you, how comfortable you are with these experiences etc. also of course
I see, well how often do you watch horror movies?

It sounds like you’re only seeing images based on horror films from your description of experiences. If such films disturb you, I would recommend cutting back/not watching if it disturbs your dreams/sleep. If it bothers you that is, that would be the first thing to try and see if it makes any difference. If it doesn't make any difference then you'd have a case to study. I'd be happy to help if I have the time but I'd need a lot of information/questions etc. so it could take some time. Depends on you, how comfortable you are with these experiences etc. also of course
Hmmmmm I probably watch a scary movie every month. I mostly watch shows like bachelorette or just regular TV series. I am zero comfortable with these experiences. They are the worst feeling ever! It's been like this my whole life.


l'antico vampiro
Hmmmmm I probably watch a scary movie every month. I mostly watch shows like bachelorette or just regular TV series. I am zero comfortable with these experiences. They are the worst feeling ever! It's been like this my whole life.
Hmmm well, based on what you've said thus far it sounds like theirs a direct correlation between the horror films and the occurrences that you've experienced throughout your life, for you. Every being is different of course but what I can recommend for now (I know this might s*ck for you, if you like certain films) but I'd like to see what happens if you go cold turkey on these films. I know it will take some time to rule out this direct correlation between the two but I think trying this first would be the most beneficial for now instead of jumping to any conclusions. Take a few months away from watching anything scary/horror related and get back to me. Let me know if anything happens during this timeline. It is very important you don't "cheat" and watch a horror film during this time. Keep a record and write down everything. You can contact me after a couple of months of trying this so that I can look into your case further. You'll want to give it at least a month or so from now before you record any experiences but I'd like for you to start today, if it bothers you as much as you say it does.
Hmmm well, based on what you've said thus far it sounds like theirs a direct correlation between the horror films and the occurrences that you've experienced throughout your life, for you. Every being is different of course but what I can recommend for now (I know this might s*ck for you, if you like certain films) but I'd like to see what happens if you go cold turkey on these films. I know it will take some time to rule out this direct correlation between the two but I think trying this first would be the most beneficial for now instead of jumping to any conclusions. Take a few months away from watching anything scary/horror related and get back to me. Let me know if anything happens during this timeline. It is very important you don't "cheat" and watch a horror film during this time. Keep a record and write down everything. You can contact me after a couple of months of trying this so that I can look into your case further. You'll want to give it at least a month or so from now before you record any experiences but I'd like for you to start today, if it bothers you as much as you say it does.
Ooooo boy okay I believe I can do this! I'll not watch anything scary until September! Thanks for your help and I will get back to you in September with my results :)


l'antico vampiro
Ooooo boy okay I believe I can do this! I'll not watch anything scary until September! Thanks for your help and I will get back to you in September with my results :)
No problem, let's make it for November (if you can go that long - since it's a monthly/bi-monthly problem etc right now).


l'antico vampiro
Wow, that must be horrid! I was thinking of Lucid Dreaming when you said sleep paralysis (I actually did a 3ish page essay on Lucid Dreaming :P)
The funny thing about that is that many people believe that the Dutch psychiatrist van Eeden coined the phrase in one of his works on a person experiencing just a form of lucid dreaming, but this is untrue. It was actually used much earlier by a Frenchman.

You'd probably enjoy reading Les Reves since you wrote a paper on it. Do you still have the paper? I'd read it if you'd like to share with someone. Especially if you wrote it about the work on Les Reves. =)
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10 mins late to everything
The funny thing about that is that many people believe that the Dutch psychiatrist van Eeden coined the phrase in one of his works on a person experiencing just a form of lucid dreaming, but this is untrue. It was actually used much earlier by the Frenchman Les Reves

You'd probably enjoy reading some of Les Reves work since you wrote a paper on it. Do you still have the paper? I'd read it if you'd like to share with someone. Especially if you wrote it about Les Reves work =)
I dont know who youre talking about but i did kind of rush the paper a bit, if youd still like to read it just pm me and ill give you the google drive doc. link :)
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l'antico vampiro
I dont know who youre talking about but i did kind of rush the paper a bit, if youd still like to read it just pm me and ill give you the google drive doc. link :)
I'm talking about the man responsible ( D' Hervey) for starting a thesis surrounding the term, "lucid dreaming" lol . Sure, you may still PM it to me. Would you like to read one of his books? I will PM you a link in return if your interested.

I have a copy in French but I'll try to find an English copy on the net for you, if you'd like
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