Something you want to say to someone, but can't...


Well-Known Member
We need to talk.
I don't want to call you out, but it's very tempting... :'/
I feel you.

Everything I want to say, The Story So Far wrote in a song.
"All you tried and failed to do was justify your theft
And I get that you're bereft of other things to occupy yourself
But keep my --- name out of your mouth "
It's 5am and I'm on a forums whining about this. I should be able to vent about this somewhere else, but I honestly don't because of laziness (I don't really feel like making a new blog) and fear of friends I see daily asking if I'm alright. I shouldn't have to be this pathetic. I shouldn't have to be whining about how you don't try for me. I always feel like I'm the least of your concerns and the last choice on your list. Why does it feel like you're embarrassed of me? Just let me know and I'll leave.
No one said this was going to be easy, but you need to try to make things work. It's been going on 3 years now and we've made no progress in whatever we have now. I'll admit that sometimes I feel like giving up but that's only when I feel like how I feel now. When I feel like I'm a burden to you or when I feel like you're just not interested anymore.
It's fine though I guess.


Well-Known Member
You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm so glad I called you out. You're too stuck up to walk a mile in other people's shoes. I hope you grow up, otherwise, someone's going to smack you.

ugh classmates :rage:
You people give me a headache. When is graduation, again?
Honestly, you make me sick. How can you continuously do this to your son? What would you do if he didn't have me and my family to live with every time you decide to go insane and kick him out? Do you seriously want your son to live on the streets? You're 55 years old, act like it. My 12 year old little sister is more mature than you are.