Something you want to say to someone, but can't...

We've been friends for over a year and have expressed interest in each other, but it feels like every time I text you you get bored and it makes me feel like you're not even interested in speaking to me.
I think you're rad and I think we go well together. Plus you like all my instagram pictures, so...what gives?
Just shut up and let me talk for once. Im tired of your negativity, you have no reason to be sour. Suck it up and move on.
Im also immensely tired of feeling like I have no voice. You want me to sit with you all but then belittle me and then ignore me. Thanks, I feel the love. <3
(That felt so good to finally say x_X)


Well-Known Member
tbh if you can stop making me feel like I don't belong anywhere that would be effin' awesome.
oh and to the ones who act fake with me, you can stop. I don't need your hi's or the lame attempts at convo where you only want something from me in the end. lol, so done.
It's like I'm trapped in a box.[DOUBLEPOST=1402508341][/DOUBLEPOST]There's a lot you don't know about me.. my athazagoraphobia and monophobia is really affecting my thinking.
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Where did 4 years go?!
You're over 30 yrs old, and you're throwing a tantrum and treating your own mother like dirt because she won't pay some of your bills for you.... her husband just died, you're abandoning her in her time of need because you're a selfish, disgusting person, and you're constantly putting me in the middle.. - you wonder why she likes me better? lol!


Well-Known Member
kay, I stayed up ALL night and DAY making you that stupid collage video for your pastor's birthday, plus the slideshow, and I trusted you when you said you'd pay me. You gave me total hell for it, too, saying how I'd have more than a week to do so.. and you have me do everything in two days?? Not to mention the specific requests you made that would have been impossible for anyone else given the situation.
It's been a month, probably more than that. Never trust people when doing business with them, even if they're your friends, I guess.


Well-Known Member
lol, wow, you're such a hypocrite. Getting mad just because I was trying to see how you were doing, while you go off and do the same to other people on here?? um I was trying to be nice but now I know why people dislike you. :) :) :)