Disney Channel Introduces Gay's

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Well-Known Member
It is official Disney Channel has introduced gay people to a channel that is supposed to be meant for children and is supposed to be G rated. The latest episode of Good Luck Charlie introduces a lesbian couple to the episode which has started a lot of chaos with all the concerned parents that let their kids watch Disney Channel. I definitely do not agree with putting gays on Disney Channel because its a channel meant for kids and families and I am a Christian so I am not judging against Gay people because I have no right to but I don't think it belongs on Disney Channel. I know there are ton of concerned parents out there that don't want their kids knowing anything about people who are attracted to the same sex until their kids are older but the point is they don't want their kids thinking its ok to be gay. By Disney doing this they have just opened a door that's going to lead to a whole lot of consequences from all the parents that are right now yelling at them. The thing is though Gay people do not belong on Disney Channel because having that on a family rated channel is about as bad as putting sexual content on there so either way post here and let us know your opinion on this.



Well-Known Member
I am a very devoted Christian and I am gay. I think this is an amazing decision by Disney. There is nothing wrong or "sexual" about two boys (or girls) being in love. Kids need to learn that its normal so they dont grow up feeling hated and unwanted much like I did in our society.


not actually a grave
it is a very good thing to add to the show. tell me, how is it okay to have a married man and woman couple who kiss and it be g-rated, and then when you change one of those genders so they're the same it's suddenly completely unacceptable?

you're not thinking of families or children, you're thinking of straight families and straight children.


Well-Known Member
I am a very devoted Christian and I am gay. I think this is an amazing decision by Disney. There is nothing wrong or "sexual" about two boys (or girls) being in love. Kids need to learn that its normal so they dont grow up feeling hated and unwanted much like I did in our society.
I admit they do need to eventually learn about Gays but still its not going to stop all the concerned parents from yelling at Disney about this and plus when kids are little they don't understand what this means because they see their mom and dad together a guy and a girl so they don't understand how there could be a guy and a guy and a girl and a girl together.


not actually a grave
besides, you're still pushing only for straight children. what about all the little kids who don't think they're straight, and like myth said, grow up feeling wrong and unloved. that is very damaging for a child to endure.


The Internet Champion!
I'm not gay, but I couldn't give a toss if you're gay. If you have a problem with them that's your problem. But to be honest, the Disney Channel is dead anyways, so it isn't going to change my life if something like this happens.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit there are some great points made here but still because of Disney doing this a whole bunch of chaos and drama is about to rain on them.
I think that kids can learn elsewhere at school or watching other channels, but not Disney. Disney doesn't need to teach them anything, Disney needs to be there to entertain them.


Well-Known Member
I think that kids can learn elsewhere at school or watching other channels, but not Disney. Disney doesn't need to teach them anything, Disney needs to be there to entertain them.
I agree with you Disney Channel is about entertaining the kids not teaching them about the reality of Gays and Lesbians and stuff like that.


Pumpkin Queen
Welp, it's 2014, it's time to stop living in the past, i'm sure people felt the same way when certain shows introduced "blacks" back in the day....it's going to happen wether anyone likes it or not, society should not be so judgmental, the only reason you would have a problem with it is if you alone had a problem with it, in which case you probably should just not criticize. Like i've said before, god would not put blacks, asians, whites, indians, etc including gays, if he felt they were unworthy to take on the world. We are the future, and we should be changing the future for the better, not hold back and continue the controversy.


Well-Known Member
This is prob gonna be super controversial. Hope this whole thread get's removed. I don't think belongs on the forums.

OH. and...

love is love. <3


Where did 4 years go?!
As I've always said...

What kind of genitalia someone likes to diddle really has nothing to do with mickey mouse, nor riding space mountain.

I love women and their breasts, but I don't demand parades about it, but I'd go if Disney World had a booby day.
As interesting as this post is, and it did make me smile, I do agree with it's general point. :) Well said Ranch.

In response to the OP, I have no problem with them incorporating homosexualism in to the Disney Channel scheme. After all, they make money exploiting child stars, no one cries about that.

I think it's making great strides on Disney's part toward more acceptance. Kudos to the Disney shareholders and whoever is in charge of the Network.

besides, you're still pushing only for straight children. what about all the little kids who don't think they're straight, and like myth said, grow up feeling wrong and unloved. that is very damaging for a child to endure.
That is a highly valid point. I think a lot of the problem today with society working towards acceptance is these poor innocent children grow up being told how they feel is wrong and that they're the devil's spawn or something horrific because of it. It's highly damaging to a child and is completely wrong. Someone's religious views does not give them any right to degrade someone for their personal views ever. I think it's a great thing for Disney to do.

After all, the aliens are waiting for us to accept each other so we can accept them. :P Can't we just make it easier for them?


Well-Known Member
I think that kids can learn elsewhere at school or watching other channels, but not Disney. Disney doesn't need to teach them anything, Disney needs to be there to entertain them.
I agree with this 100%.

I feel like, although it isn't bad for somebody to be anything other then heterosexual, ideas regarding sexuality shouldn't be broadcasted on a network geared towards children. The stereotypical, welcomed-by-society image of a couple is a man and a woman, which is what should be put on television shows that are geared towards entertainment.

I think children should definitely be introduced to the ideas of homosexuality and heterosexuality, but Disney is not necessarily the place for this.

I have nothing against people who are homosexual, it's just that Disney channel isn't the place to introduce ideas other then the commonly thought of idea that is a man and a woman.


Well-Known Member
I am a very devoted Christian and I am gay. I think this is an amazing decision by Disney. There is nothing wrong or "sexual" about two boys (or girls) being in love. Kids need to learn that its normal so they dont grow up feeling hated and unwanted much like I did in our society.
Same. Although I disagree with the way it was presented (see below), I definitely think it is great they included a non-stereotypical couple. Keep in mind there is also a (inferred) wealthy, upper middle class, well off black couple (as opposed to the stereotypical black couple in America), as well as multiple other stereotypes broken in this show.

Now, the lesbian couple was presented as:
Socially awkward
Unaccepted (at the beginning)

And the Duncans said "two moms" 500 times in the show. It's like they were trying to make them look bad while still engraining in children's minds they should accept them? I think the way it was presented was completely horrible and served no purpose but to confuse young children about homosexuality and other issues surrounding the topic.

tl;dr: nice try disney but you failed miserably.
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