Post a Picture of Yourself. Again


Well-Known Member
I don't like this pic, I look weird with my sunglasses at my chin.. but ya, here's one moments before a splash to the head @ Epcot!**********.jpg
Wait for it....
My shirt is awesome, a gift from Dizpinfriend!


The Internet Champion!
It really was dream-like. We were dying to see the ice castle all day that day.. meanwhile I carried her ring around till the fireworks woot.

Here's the ring she got:

rose gold wooooo

EVERY KISS BEGINS WITH KAY! LOL I had to do that. But really, that's so sweet. You pictures make me so happy, Ranch. :)

(BTW, I don't think you're a creep) XD
If Ranch is a creep, then I'm a creep too--because I believe everyone on here is beautiful in their own unique way. (which is basically like a grandma telling you that you're special)
A user who seems to stalk my posts had made some pretty serious insinuations about me in hopes to bother me. The troll's magic worked, and it's got me pretty upset. The user hijacked a thread to make comments that I come to this pic thread to "creep on little girls" and make them uncomfortable with my comments. I was going to be obnoxious and highlight each of my comments to users' pics here in an attempt to, "make things right for the trolls".. but those interested can look for them.. I'm going to skip right to the point.

Younger girls do not appeal to me in the sense that this user spoke of. I found it to be absolutely disgusting personally, but we get away with a lot around here. Growing up, I was the type who had crushes on my girlfriends' moms. Even my buddies, some of them had ultimate moms! lol.

To clear things up for those reading on, here is my girlfriend I've been with now of 2 years.. she's 20 years older than me, and I'm crazy in love with her. She's everything I could possibly hope for in a woman, and I'm so lucky she loves me.. and NO, she's not a sugar mama lol.

Here we are in front of the castle, right after I gave her an open hearts commitment ring.
She hates when I wear my ears like Dopey! LOL

To close.. you can call me a granny lover or whatever you want, amen to that. But to read the things said about me, I'm beyond repulsed.
Well for what it's worth, I think you two look adorable together and the ring you gave her is sooo pretty! (:


Well-Known Member
Well for what it's worth, I think you two look adorable together and the ring you gave her is sooo pretty! (:
Thank you so much. We're not much into the marriage thing (it's just a way to tax your relationship if you ask me, but I never been married!), so the ring I blasted on her was a promise of commitment ya know? I got everything I need.

Thanks again.. beer mug pic for you! lol

"Hats Around the World" in Epcot.. take a pic in each country's hat.. try it!