Something Simple - Put shells back to 25 credits each

I've been talking to quite a few people and almost everyone seems to agree that shells should be worth 25 credits again.
Not everybody is good at fireworks and it's not like the shell game was without effort as it was very time-consuming.
It's not like anybody or anything would be harmed by putting the value back up to 25. It would just put people who don't want to play fireworks back on even ground credit-wise with the ones who preferred fireworks to the shells.

What do you all think?
I agree with you man. Not everybody is good at fireworks. I think that until another mini game comes out that the shell's should be raised back up to 25 credits again....Or at least 20 credits.


Where did 4 years go?!
Actually to be quite honest, (If you'd asked me a few days ago, I would have completely agreed) but I feel that the shells should stay as they are now. Granted fireworks isn't a game for everyone, even players like myself that aren't skilled in the slightest can earn between 300 and 500 credits per game now. Majority of the bugs have been fixed, the flawless multiplier works wonders now, and the combos have been implemented to offer extra points. Even an unskilled player can earn a fair amount of credits via Fireworks now.

The trick is simple:
- Wait for flawless in Levels 1-3 in all the stages and get as many fireworks at flawless as you can, sometimes it can be tricky because there's a fine line between *Awesome and *Flawless. But with practice, you get the timing down fairly quickly.
- In levels 4 and 5 (Frontierland and the Castle) go for some combos, each combo is worth 80 points in Level 4, and 100 pts in Level 5. And if you've gotten the hang of the flawless timing you can score flawless points while working on the combos.
- An added bonus would be to get an external mouse if you're using a laptop with a trackpad. A quick ebay search can render an external mouse for no more than 5 bucks.

Practice makes perfect! With the fireworks working much better now, I don't think 25 credits a shell is a wise change. But this is all my opinion, I'm sure many others would disagree with me.
Shells is no longer considered a mini-game. It may be time consuming but it doesn't not take effort nor skill. It's all a game of luck. Back when it was our only option, it was worth it to be 25 credits. Now there's a real mini-game that takes skill, determination, concentration and effort AND it's time consuming for the right reasons. Play it or don't, it's your choice whether you'd like credits or not.


No. In my opinion, it's fine the way it is. The shell game was never a real mini-game in VMK. They had it going on though in the underwater sea rooms and you were only able to do that if you had the deep sea diving magic. Plus the shells you gathered from there were only worth 5 credits. Fireworks gives out a decent amount of credits, if you're bad or not. I'm absolutely terrible at fireworks, but they recently added bonus fireworks which give you much more points that originally.. which is just amazing.

People need to work for credits, not walk around a public room and rack up credits faster than you're able to get in fireworks. There's no effort put into that other than beating someone to the shell. It's fine at the amount it is and should be left as that for now, then when more things are added it should be dropped to 5 or lower credits and be put into the undersea rooms, not to be left in the Captains Quarters.
I've been talking to quite a few people and almost everyone seems to agree that shells should be worth 25 credits again.
Not everybody is good at fireworks and it's not like the shell game was without effort as it was very time-consuming.
It's not like anybody or anything would be harmed by putting the value back up to 25. It would just put people who don't want to play fireworks back on even ground credit-wise with the ones who preferred fireworks to the shells.

What do you all think?
Time consuming in the sense that you spent a lot of time in it because it gave much more credits in a set amount of time than Fireworks, so everyone spent all day in it? Yes. It was more time consuming in that sense. Maybe 15 per shell, but shells were giving out way too much at 25 for the amount of concentration and effort required. Even ground? What? They aren't even games for one. On is about skill, critical thinking, and requires complete concentration and investment, the other is just clicking as fast as you can. On I can converse during, one I can't. The credit rewarded reflect this. Even then, I, even being bad at shells due to my internet, found it fairly effective. Average shell players got way more than average Fireworks, despite less being required of them.

Nothing would be harmed? Do you guys seriously not think there are issues with more credits? Ever though about what increasing the credit payout does to the people who have been saving credits? You essentially are stealing their credits. You increase the volume of credits, thereby decreasing the value of the credits the other person has. It's essentially theft, without the nasty label.


Constistently thankful
Fireworks is not fixed for everybody. My arrow keys don't work in the game so I can't switch symbols. NPCs and shells are my only source of getting credits. At least until there are more minigames, they should be worth 25.


Time consuming in the sense that you spent a lot of time in it because it gave much more credits in a set amount of time than Fireworks, so everyone spent all day in it? Yes. It was more time consuming in that sense. Maybe 15 per shell, but shells were giving out way too much at 25 for the amount of concentration and effort required. Even ground? What? They aren't even games for one. On is about skill, critical thinking, and requires complete concentration and investment, the other is just clicking as fast as you can. On I can converse during, one I can't. The credit rewarded reflect this. Even then, I, even being bad at shells due to my internet, found it fairly effective. Average shell players got way more than average Fireworks, despite less being required of them.

Nothing would be harmed? Do you guys seriously not think there are issues with more credits? Ever though about what increasing the credit payout does to the people who have been saving credits? You essentially are stealing their credits. You increase the volume of credits, thereby decreasing the value of the credits the other person has. It's essentially theft, without the nasty label.
THANK YOU! Glad I'm not the only one thinking that having an inflation of credits is a problem.


Where did 4 years go?!
Time consuming in the sense that you spent a lot of time in it because it gave much more credits in a set amount of time than Fireworks, so everyone spent all day in it? Yes. It was more time consuming in that sense. Maybe 15 per shell, but shells were giving out way too much at 25 for the amount of concentration and effort required. Even ground? What? They aren't even games for one. On is about skill, critical thinking, and requires complete concentration and investment, the other is just clicking as fast as you can. On I can converse during, one I can't. The credit rewarded reflect this. Even then, I, even being bad at shells due to my internet, found it fairly effective. Average shell players got way more than average Fireworks, despite less being required of them.

Nothing would be harmed? Do you guys seriously not think there are issues with more credits? Ever though about what increasing the credit payout does to the people who have been saving credits? You essentially are stealing their credits. You increase the volume of credits, thereby decreasing the value of the credits the other person has. It's essentially theft, without the nasty label.
Not to mention, whether people like it or not, whenever currency is implemented in to ANYTHING, virtual or otherwise, inflation comes with it. Increasing the shells back to 25 ea, with the addition of the fireworks game, brings the influx and distribution of credits much higher. So the prices of items should increase with it. And with each shell at 25 credits a pop and so easily obtained, doesn't even the playing field with fireworks, it raises it higher above fireworks since there's no skill to it. It's essentially just easy money. But you can't expect that many credits to be thrown around and the prices of items to stay the same. As much as people complain about the prices of the items now, increasing credits back to 25 so people can farm 50k should mean the cost of everything rises as well which would put everyone playing fireworks back to where everyone farming for shells is right now.

- - - Updated - - -

Fireworks is not fixed for everybody. My arrow keys don't work in the game so I can't switch symbols. NPCs and shells are my only source of getting credits. At least until there are more minigames, they should be worth 25.
Did you report this in the bug section of the forums? Or shoot Kevin a pm?
No. 10 credits is fine.

I use shells as my primary source of getting credits (largely because I like being able to stop playing when I want), and 10 credits gets the job done. Add to it, and you're just completely destroying the purpose of playing Fireworks.

Inflation is also a consideration, but I wouldn't be overly concerned about it; short-term, savers lose their value, but in the long-term, you would avert deflationary effects on items that are out now. You're basically sacrificing the value of current items in order to ensure that they don't acquire some kind of unobtainable valuation a few months down the line. What you end up with is a buyer's market.

I'd argue that the buyer's market that inflation creates is actually preferable to a seller's market in a virtual economy. A buyer's market for item X has an abundance of item X in-game, and thus a higher-than-normal number of item X for trade. If I need item X to build my room, I can get it cheaply, and bring a public good to the people of the community in the form of an awesome-looking room. The seller's market does the inverse and disincentivizes building. That's no fun.

EDIT: Things have changed since this post was made. As Fireworks has crushed my soul with a glitch in recent days, I am in favor of an increase in shell credits. I don't know about going up to 25 just yet, but 15 credits would be a welcome change.
First off, I'd like to say that the shells were introduced and referred to constantly by staff as a mini-game and that grabbing them can be a lot of fun. I personally felt that it was almost like a race between other players to see who can get to the shells first when they drop. It's not a lot unlike falling chairs. Also, I keep finding that the people who reject this are mostly the people who are good at fireworks and don't want other people to be able to make as much money as they do from fireworks from shells. The only people who are going to put an emphasis on the necessity of "skill" for earning credits are the people who are, in fact, skilled themselves at fireworks. If they agree with that logic then maybe they'd like to reduce the payout for fireworks even further so that it takes even more skill to make a lot of money off of it. But of course not because that would mean less credits for them which I think is really what it is coming down to. Otherwise, why would they take a stance against something that otherwise wouldn't have any effect on their ability to play and earn credits from THEIR choice of mini-game?

Actually to be quite honest, (If you'd asked me a few days ago, I would have completely agreed) but I feel that the shells should stay as they are now. Granted fireworks isn't a game for everyone, even players like myself that aren't skilled in the slightest can earn between 300 and 500 credits per game now. Majority of the bugs have been fixed, the flawless multiplier works wonders now, and the combos have been implemented to offer extra points. Even an unskilled player can earn a fair amount of credits via Fireworks now.

The trick is simple:
- Wait for flawless in Levels 1-3 in all the stages and get as many fireworks at flawless as you can, sometimes it can be tricky because there's a fine line between *Awesome and *Flawless. But with practice, you get the timing down fairly quickly.
- In levels 4 and 5 (Frontierland and the Castle) go for some combos, each combo is worth 80 points in Level 4, and 100 pts in Level 5. And if you've gotten the hang of the flawless timing you can score flawless points while working on the combos.
- An added bonus would be to get an external mouse if you're using a laptop with a trackpad. A quick ebay search can render an external mouse for no more than 5 bucks.

Practice makes perfect! With the fireworks working much better now, I don't think 25 credits a shell is a wise change. But this is all my opinion, I'm sure many others would disagree with me.
What? Because you think fireworks is well-designed and easy people shouldn't have the choice to be able to go with shells instead? I think it's great too that the bugs were fixed and that the mini-game is really well recreated (I actually think it's pretty much indistinguishable from the original), but that shouldn't mean that everybody has to play the game to earn credits if that's not how they want to.

Shells is no longer considered a mini-game. It may be time consuming but it doesn't not take effort nor skill. It's all a game of luck. Back when it was our only option, it was worth it to be 25 credits. Now there's a real mini-game that takes skill, determination, concentration and effort AND it's time consuming for the right reasons. Play it or don't, it's your choice whether you'd like credits or not.
Who says that it's no longer considered a mini-game? Right here Grizzly says "Shell Mini-game is back":!
See above in response to the "skill" thing
And most of all I certainly like credits but it doesn't appear that I DO have that much of a choice in how to get a lot of them. That might work out great for you if you like/are good at fireworks but it doesn't work out as well for the rest of us.

Time consuming in the sense that you spent a lot of time in it because it gave much more credits in a set amount of time than Fireworks, so everyone spent all day in it? Yes. It was more time consuming in that sense. Maybe 15 per shell, but shells were giving out way too much at 25 for the amount of concentration and effort required. Even ground? What? They aren't even games for one. On is about skill, critical thinking, and requires complete concentration and investment, the other is just clicking as fast as you can. On I can converse during, one I can't. The credit rewarded reflect this. Even then, I, even being bad at shells due to my internet, found it fairly effective. Average shell players got way more than average Fireworks, despite less being required of them.

Nothing would be harmed? Do you guys seriously not think there are issues with more credits? Ever though about what increasing the credit payout does to the people who have been saving credits? You essentially are stealing their credits. You increase the volume of credits, thereby decreasing the value of the credits the other person has. It's essentially theft, without the nasty label.

It really didn't give more credits than a skilled fireworks player currently makes. In fact, someone scoring 6,000 in fireworks (in about 10 minutes time) would earn 1,200 credits which would have taken me only a little less than 20 minutes to get when the shells were worth 25 coins each. That means skilled fireworks players potentially make nearly twice as much as someone who's good at the shell mini-game would have made back when the shells were worth more. But the issue is that some people aren't good at fireworks (or can't play fireworks well on a laptop) so they're getting left out on making as many credits. Also, you mentioned that you were didn't like the shell game and you seem to have a particular affinity toward the fireworks game. I doubt that your feelings would be the same on this issue if it were the inverse.

As I previously mentioned it is being viewed as a game not only by the MyVMK staff but by players in general.

Also, making more money doesn't steal anything from anybody. You can't devalue credits unless the prices of the things you could buy with those credits (the items in the marketplace) changed with it, which they haven't and couldn't unless Amy or Kevin or any staff involved in setting marketplace prices decided to do so which is very unlikely considering they didn't when fireworks was released.

Not to mention, whether people like it or not, whenever currency is implemented in to ANYTHING, virtual or otherwise, inflation comes with it. Increasing the shells back to 25 ea, with the addition of the fireworks game, brings the influx and distribution of credits much higher. So the prices of items should increase with it. And with each shell at 25 credits a pop and so easily obtained, doesn't even the playing field with fireworks, it raises it higher above fireworks since there's no skill to it. It's essentially just easy money. But you can't expect that many credits to be thrown around and the prices of items to stay the same. As much as people complain about the prices of the items now, increasing credits back to 25 so people can farm 50k should mean the cost of everything rises as well which would put everyone playing fireworks back to where everyone farming for shells is right now.

- - - Updated - - -

Did you report this in the bug section of the forums? Or shoot Kevin a pm?
No, inflation wouldn't work that way here. It would work that way in the REAL world, but not in a game where the prices are set in a marketplace by a few people . If that logic were feasible then everything in the marketplace would have changed in price once they switched over from the shell mini-game to fireworks. But it didn't, as mentioned above, and the only way that it could is if the VMK staff members decided to raise the price on everything in the shop which they probably wouldn't because of how unpopular such an action would be.
If you've every played VFK, you would understand the real term of "inflation of credits". It get ridiculous and it totally ruins the game, which as you can see.. that game is garbage.

As I mentioned before somewhere, you need to WORK for your credits. I'm an unskilled fireworks player, but I'm still happy. But yeah, the shell-game isn't even a mini-game, even if multiple people refer to it as a mini-game. It was just the same way as it was in the original vmk, but they only paid you 5 credits and it was somewhat less efficient with the spawning. It also doesn't seem like a mini-game because you can stop anytime and still keep your credit amount. With REAL mini-games, you have to play it through the entire thing to get your reward.

It was way too easy to get items back when the shell game was 25 credits and as I can see it. You just want to earn items the easy way. Sorry bud, as in all games.. minus vfk.. you have to work for your earnings. It creates more of a fun challenge.

And honestly, what would you do if they didn't even implement the shells in the game to begin with? Would you whine and get NPC credits everyday and just be done with it? Or would you go play fireworks and actually try to make money because I'm not really sure which you would do. Be lucky and thankful that they were even put into the game, double the amount(or more, I always forget if they were 5.) they were originally were back in the original vmk.

-- I know greed is a huge problem and will always be, but still. You guys are credit hungry over shells.. are you serious right now? lol.


Where did 4 years go?!
First off, I'd like to say that the shells were introduced and referred to constantly by staff as a mini-game and that grabbing them can be a lot of fun. I personally felt that it was almost like a race between other players to see who can get to the shells first when they drop. It's not a lot unlike falling chairs. Also, I keep finding that the people who reject this are mostly the people who are good at fireworks and don't want other people to be able to make as much money as they do from fireworks from shells. The only people who are going to put an emphasis on the necessity of "skill" for earning credits are the people who are, in fact, skilled themselves at fireworks. If they agree with that logic then maybe they'd like to reduce the payout for fireworks even further so that it takes even more skill to make a lot of money off of it. But of course not because that would mean less credits for them which I think is really what it is coming down to. Otherwise, why would they take a stance against something that otherwise wouldn't have any effect on their ability to play and earn credits from THEIR choice of mini-game?

What? Because you think fireworks is well-designed and easy people shouldn't have the choice to be able to go with shells instead? I think it's great too that the bugs were fixed and that the mini-game is really well recreated (I actually think it's pretty much indistinguishable from the original), but that shouldn't mean that everybody has to play the game to earn credits if that's not how they want to.

Who says that it's no longer considered a mini-game? Right here Grizzly says "Shell Mini-game is back":!
See above in response to the "skill" thing
And most of all I certainly like credits but it doesn't appear that I DO have that much of a choice in how to get a lot of them. That might work out great for you if you like/are good at fireworks but it doesn't work out as well for the rest of us.

It really didn't give more credits than a skilled fireworks player currently makes. In fact, someone scoring 6,000 in fireworks (in about 10 minutes time) would earn 1,200 credits which would have taken me only a little less than 20 minutes to get when the shells were worth 25 coins each. That means skilled fireworks players potentially make nearly twice as much as someone who's good at the shell mini-game would have made back when the shells were worth more. But the issue is that some people aren't good at fireworks (or can't play fireworks well on a laptop) so they're getting left out on making as many credits. Also, you mentioned that you were didn't like the shell game and you seem to have a particular affinity toward the fireworks game. I doubt that your feelings would be the same on this issue if it were the inverse.

As I previously mentioned it is being viewed as a game not only by the MyVMK staff but by players in general.

Also, making more money doesn't steal anything from anybody. You can't devalue credits unless the prices of the things you could buy with those credits (the items in the marketplace) changed with it, which they haven't and couldn't unless Amy or Kevin or any staff involved in setting marketplace prices decided to do so which is very unlikely considering they didn't when fireworks was released.

No, inflation wouldn't work that way here. It would work that way in the REAL world, but not in a game where the prices are set in a marketplace by a few people . If that logic were feasible then everything in the marketplace would have changed in price once they switched over from the shell mini-game to fireworks. But it didn't, as mentioned above, and the only way that it could is if the VMK staff members decided to raise the price on everything in the shop which they probably wouldn't because of how unpopular such an action would be.
Firstly, I didn't say people shouldn't have the choice. In fact everyone still has the choice to play either fireworks and/or farm for shells. You just want to increase the amount you earn back to a pretty unreasonable price given that the game is for one, only available in the CQQ, not every room like before, and there is another option for credits. Like I said this would have made sense in my opinion last week when fireworks was so glitchy hardly anyone could play, but now that there are options, 25 credits is too high.

And secondly, I was applying logic to a situation regarding a form of currency as a theoretical issue that COULD arise with a raise in credits for a "game" that literally requires no skill from the player. The staff thinks 10,000 credits for a magic pin is fair with the options we have as they are, you're telling me if you raise it back that they won't think perhaps 30,000 or even 50,000 credits for an item isn't fair? And you honestly think if they raise the shells people will stop harping about the NPC reduction? Easy money just isn't realistic. For something to have value, work has to be put forth to earn it.

Just my opinion :)
It's important to realize that the shell game and fireworks game are aesthetically nearly identical

The entire premise of both games is that the player needs to click on an object on their screen before it disappears.

So I can't fathom how one is that much more difficult than the other. The difference is that shells is more about speed and fireworks is more about timing.

Also, if anything, increasing the value of shells would also increase the value of what's rare in regards to trading because it could hypothetically mean that if it's easier to get coins then rarer items would be worth more in items that can be purchased from the shop.
At the same time, it would allow people who don't like/aren't good at the fireworks game to be able to make almost as much money as skilled fireworks players do which would give players more maneuverability and options in how they amass credits.

It's certainly not about being greedy over shells, it's about letting people who prefer shells to be on ALMOST (as I mentioned earlier a skilled fireworks player can potentially make money twice as fast as someone who's good at shells when they're valued at 25... imagine what the disparity is now at 10) equal footing with those who are good at fireworks.
It means that everyone has access to another way to make more credits to buy more things in-game.
The entire premise of both games is that the player needs to click on an object on their screen before it disappears.
There's so much more to the game than that. A good fireworks player needs timing and precision in order to get flawless marks while also keeping an eye on every shape for the bonus.

I wasn't much of a fireworks player in VMK, but it's been fun learning the techniques. We'll all get better with practice! :)


The Confused One.
I've been talking to quite a few people and almost everyone seems to agree that shells should be worth 25 credits again.
Not everybody is good at fireworks and it's not like the shell game was without effort as it was very time-consuming.
It's not like anybody or anything would be harmed by putting the value back up to 25. It would just put people who don't want to play fireworks back on even ground credit-wise with the ones who preferred fireworks to the shells.

What do you all think?
Simple answer: No, this is not really needed whatsoever. I'm ok with a slight increase but not 25.

First off, I'd like to say that the shells were introduced and referred to constantly by staff as a mini-game and that grabbing them can be a lot of fun. I personally felt that it was almost like a race between other players to see who can get to the shells first when they drop. It's not a lot unlike falling chairs. Also, I keep finding that the people who reject this are mostly the people who are good at fireworks and don't want other people to be able to make as much money as they do from fireworks from shells. The only people who are going to put an emphasis on the necessity of "skill" for earning credits are the people who are, in fact, skilled themselves at fireworks. If they agree with that logic then maybe they'd like to reduce the payout for fireworks even further so that it takes even more skill to make a lot of money off of it. But of course not because that would mean less credits for them which I think is really what it is coming down to. Otherwise, why would they take a stance against something that otherwise wouldn't have any effect on their ability to play and earn credits from THEIR choice of mini-game?
You can not compare the Shell Game at all with Falling Chairs. The only way they are similar is the spawning. Shells only the first person can click on them and take the shell not everyone in the room. Therefore, it's whoever has less lag and has a great reaction time. And don't be asking for a reduction in Fireworks credits when it just got buffed yesterday to how the game functioned in VMK. Technically the Fireworks already has a credit buff with it's payout at 0.2 of your score and this makes sense as it's the only mini-game. The Shell Game was not meant to be around forever and honestly I would consider it lucky that it's still there. The staff had no reason to bring it back except they would be getting many complaints from people who couldn't play fireworks. It was right to bring back at a reduced rate as at times when I could collect shells I got about the 500-700 credits in 10 minutes if no one was disturbing where I was shell hunting.

What? Because you think fireworks is well-designed and easy people shouldn't have the choice to be able to go with shells instead? I think it's great too that the bugs were fixed and that the mini-game is really well recreated (I actually think it's pretty much indistinguishable from the original), but that shouldn't mean that everybody has to play the game to earn credits if that's not how they want to.
That's why the Shell game was brought back at a reduced amount as I'm sure you said somewhere. In my opinion I would be ok with a small buff to the credits earned to the shell. 15 is a good amount in my eyes. 25 is too much.

It really didn't give more credits than a skilled fireworks player currently makes. In fact, someone scoring 6,000 in fireworks (in about 10 minutes time) would earn 1,200 credits which would have taken me only a little less than 20 minutes to get when the shells were worth 25 coins each. That means skilled fireworks players potentially make nearly twice as much as someone who's good at the shell mini-game would have made back when the shells were worth more. But the issue is that some people aren't good at fireworks (or can't play fireworks well on a laptop) so they're getting left out on making as many credits. Also, you mentioned that you were didn't like the shell game and you seem to have a particular affinity toward the fireworks game. I doubt that your feelings would be the same on this issue if it were the inverse.
Do not compare the amounts you earn with the Highest scoring players. We have no way of knowing if you were the highest shell earner. If you ever compare between two different mini-games or any game for that matter you look at the average of the other game compared to what you get in the game you're comparing with. From what I keep hearing anywhere from 2000-2500 is the average score for a average player in Fireworks (I'm sure this is bound to rise as people practice fireworks and get used to the game again). This means you would be earning 600 credits in 10 minutes when the shells were 25 credits by what you're saying, while these players are earning 400-500 credits in 10 minutes. That isn't right. Average players that are trying to practice and get better in Fireworks should be able to earn the same amount as those collecting shells in 10 minutes. Note: It's hard to determine averages for the shell game, I know and understand that.

No, inflation wouldn't work that way here. It would work that way in the REAL world, but not in a game where the prices are set in a marketplace by a few people . If that logic were feasible then everything in the marketplace would have changed in price once they switched over from the shell mini-game to fireworks. But it didn't, as mentioned above, and the only way that it could is if the VMK staff members decided to raise the price on everything in the shop which they probably wouldn't because of how unpopular such an action would be.
What are you talking about? Of course that applies! Look at VMK. Early on a lot of the items were not that expensive to buy but as people played more and more mini-games and got really high amounts of credits the prices of items significantly rose! Anything that has an economy base in any form can fall victim to inflation. It isn't just a real world thing.

To your more recent post: I hated Fireworks in VMK. I could never play it. I was unsure how I would feel about it here. Turns out I love it. For your record on what rebuttal you wish to write I average around 750-800 credits on Fireworks with this new version.

Again: Your idea is ok with me to raise them. I just don't think 25 is the right number. 20 also seems a little too high. 15 sounds ideal. Keep in mind I'm not trying to pick on you but you said a bunch of things I don't agree with. I'm not trying to attack you or your opinion and I'm sorry if it sounded like that.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with increasing the credit value of shells.
It's already more than enough that they're still in the game, and have a whole room to themselves. They weren't meant to stay after the implementation of fireworks and were a privileged in the first place to help the boredom/ anticipation while we waited for fireworks.
Especially now that fireworks has been fixed, as others have been saying, it's easy to earn 500 credits in one round and that's enough to buy a piece of a Halloween outfit, which is more than enough.
I hope to see the shell game gone completely after the game gets rolling more.

Besides, suffering through like 5 minutes of fireworks is better than suffering through collecting shells!


Where did 4 years go?!
It's important to realize that the shell game and fireworks game are aesthetically nearly identical

The entire premise of both games is that the player needs to click on an object on their screen before it disappears.

So I can't fathom how one is that much more difficult than the other. The difference is that shells is more about speed and fireworks is more about timing.

Also, if anything, increasing the value of shells would also increase the value of what's rare in regards to trading because it could hypothetically mean that if it's easier to get coins then rarer items would be worth more in items that can be purchased from the shop.
At the same time, it would allow people who don't like/aren't good at the fireworks game to be able to make almost as much money as skilled fireworks players do which would give players more maneuverability and options in how they amass credits.

It's certainly not about being greedy over shells, it's about letting people who prefer shells to be on ALMOST (as I mentioned earlier a skilled fireworks player can potentially make money twice as fast as someone who's good at shells when they're valued at 25... imagine what the disparity is now at 10) equal footing with those who are good at fireworks.
It means that everyone has access to another way to make more credits to buy more things in-game.
You can't fathom the difference, because you can't see the difference between aesthetics, and mechanics. If you know what aesthetics are, you'd know that simply being able to click on something on a screen by no means makes them aesthetically identical. For one, it's a shell that only changes places once. It's not a firework that moves on angles across a screen and flickers out rather quickly depending on the type. They aren't the same.

Not only are they not alike aesthetically, they aren't mechanically as well, the games are no where alike. Fireworks requires good timing, concentration, and multi-tasking skills that come with hand eye coordination. Clicking on shells and trying to be the first to click it... takes no skill, just speed (so I'll give you that.)

In roughly an hour with shells at 25 credits a pop, a player can harvest close to 10,000 credits. In roughly an hour, any player with an average score in Fireworks of roughly 1,500 to 2,000 can earn, (estimating 1 game of Fireworks to take about 10 - 15 minutes, I haven't timed it so I'm not entirely sure) can earn roughly 1,200 to 1,600 credits in an hour. How explain to me, with those figures, how bumping the shells back up to 25 credits each levels the playing field with players who prefer Fireworks to Shells?

Even if it takes a player 2 or 3 hours to earn 10,000 credits, they're still earning more credits faster than the Fireworks players.

To me, it just doesn't make sense to bump them up to 25 each, 15 I'd concede to, but 25 to me is too high.

- - - Updated - - -

I disagree with increasing the credit value of shells.
It's already more than enough that they're still in the game, and have a whole room to themselves. They weren't meant to stay after the implementation of fireworks and were a privileged in the first place to help the boredom/ anticipation while we waited for fireworks.
Especially now that fireworks has been fixed, as others have been saying, it's easy to earn 500 credits in one round and that's enough to buy a piece of a Halloween outfit, which is more than enough.
I hope to see the shell game gone completely after the game gets rolling more.

Besides, suffering through like 5 minutes of fireworks is better than suffering through collecting shells!
I couldn't agree more. I'd personally prefer to miss out on a few fireworks and get a lower score (hence lower credits) than fight to the death for a shell. Lol


Well-Known Member
No. In my opinion, it's fine the way it is. The shell game was never a real mini-game in VMK. They had it going on though in the underwater sea rooms and you were only able to do that if you had the deep sea diving magic. Plus the shells you gathered from there were only worth 5 credits. Fireworks gives out a decent amount of credits, if you're bad or not. I'm absolutely terrible at fireworks, but they recently added bonus fireworks which give you much more points that originally.. which is just amazing.

People need to work for credits, not walk around a public room and rack up credits faster than you're able to get in fireworks. There's no effort put into that other than beating someone to the shell. It's fine at the amount it is and should be left as that for now, then when more things are added it should be dropped to 5 or lower credits and be put into the undersea rooms, not to be left in the Captains Quarters.
couldn't have said it better myself!