Please Archive :)

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star girl

Well-Known Member
@browneyedgal I'm interested to see pics of Sticky Wipplesnit's Bow, Taffyta Muttonfudge Hat and White/light blue Ghostbusters(?) Hat.

And 8k for full Jessie?
@browneyedgal I'm interested to see pics of Sticky Wipplesnit's Bow, Taffyta Muttonfudge Hat and White/light blue Ghostbusters(?) Hat.

And 8k for full Jessie?
Jessie's outfit is in a pending trade, sorry. I'll let you know if it falls through though. :)

I'm told the white/blue hat is from Ghostbusters, but having never seen the movie I honestly have no clue haha.

Great, LMK when you're free to trade. :) Thanks!

1- Baseball Cap Blue
1- FULL Cowgirl Jessie (Boots, Hat, Pants, Shirt)
1- It's A Small World - Native American
1- Pi Day - 2015

How much for these? @browneyedgal
Jessie's outfit is in a pending trade, sorry. I'll let you know if it falls through though. :)

The highest bid for the baseball cap is 3k.

3.5k total for the pins?

star girl

Well-Known Member
@browneyedgal That's Donald's hat from a quest from this month!

Yeah let me know because I would love Jesse!

Could I do 5k for both the bow and hat?
Hmm alright can I buy the pins please? :) @browneyedgal
Absolutely! I'm available in-game now, and will be avail off & on until 1am EST. Just lemme know what time works best for ya. :)
@browneyedgal That's Donald's hat from a quest from this month!

Yeah let me know because I would love Jesse!

Could I do 5k for both the bow and hat?
Bahahahaha oh man, I can't believe I didn't notice it's Donald's hat! Bless my heart. Lol.

5k for the hats works. :) I'm available in-game now, and will be avail off & on until 1am EST. Just lemme know what time works best for ya. :)
@browneyedgal Can you do it tonight between 8:30 est and 11?
Sure can! PM me when you're available, please. :)
hm for
ballroom window
Valentine's Day Baymax
I sold my last ballroom window a few days ago for 4k, but I'm not sure if that was a accurate/fair offer on the other party's part haha?

And I believe the Baymax and Stitch V-Day furni items sold for 5k each in stores (someone correct me if I'm wrong!!), so I'd ask for that.

Sorry, I'm obviously unsure of the values of those items haha. I'm definitely open to negotiations!! Thanks. :rose:
Hm for classic stitch?
I've been seeing them traded for 10-20k, so maybe meet in the middle at 15k?
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