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  • A
    Thank you!! It was! Exactly what I needed :) How was your weekend?
    It really is :/ meh. and yessss thank God! I need some relaxing time
    Yeah. I could put up with HM and JC, I suppose. Though JC was always torture to me.
    Yessss thankfully. But I had chemistry lab so it just made the day seem that much longer -.-
    LOL much better ^_^ I am so happy it's friday today! It's been a loonnggg week.
    Are you cray... Florida isn't like NYC where you can walk everywhere!! LOL but jumping in puddles does sound fun. Yesterday when I wrote that comment to you, it was nice outside, and literally 10 minutes later it started POURING until like 11 pm. :P
    Cool! That's awesome! Oh Florida... It's so pretty, but the weather is so bipolar. Like literally it will be beautiful and sunny one minute, and two minutes later it will be pouring rain. It's been raining a lot lately too which is annoying. And traffic is horrible. Lol :p
    I still want Pirates before HM! I always hated HM... Love the movie, though ;P. And I always hated the POTC movies... lol
    LOL I thought you saw it on like youtube or something!! I love New York I cant wait to go back :) How do you like living there, do you live in NYC?
    cool! you should! hahaha i'll be sure to check it out then!
    Same! And apparently, Amy said she realized HM won't take as long as she thought, so I suppose we'll just have to wait and see! ;)
    Yeah, I think so.
    Amy did a livestream not too long ago about Jungle Cruise, and now the dock's open. Plus, before the game opened, she made it clear that Pirates and HM would take longer :(.
    I absolutely hated it, an only played it for the Space Suit Magic pin.

    Pirates was my game. I can't wait for Jungle Cruise to come out just so Amy can start working on POTC ;D
    Is that what you're majoring in?
    Thanks, haha!

    Did you ever like Jungle Cruise? Hopefully that's something you'll be able to earn credits from!
    I should. One day ^_^ thanks! #motivational haha
    Well, good luck with that! The shells lag my computer =/

    I'm slowly, but surely progressing! My new high score is about 2600 :D.
    It does, but it can be addicting at times too... I think my highest has been a little over 1800 now ;P. I'm progressing...slowly, but surely. Shells take too long for me. My computer lags too badly.
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