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  • LOL I go on this website and then I get distracted and then I forget to reply to stuff, heh heh @u@!

    Look i made something purple
    i think
    I made some words purple
    there you go
    i have customized my profile
    u r welcome

    I will >u> eventually >u>
    This isn't bothering me as much as the green/blue/white color scheme ovmk forums had going on so i'm just gonna be lazy right now 6u6

    Yeah, and the thing I don't think they ever did on OVMK was review how they conducted themselves throughout the community. People were just handed out mod/staff positions because they wrote a nice application. I kinda disagree, moderators can act and keep all their conversations professional, but I don't ever think someone should have to tone it down simply because they're a moderator. As long as a mod can conduct themselves consistently and in a way that's actually fair and not biased, they don't freak out over petty things, then i'm fine with them. But if it comes to things like name-and-shame, or just an inability to drop flame wars, that's where I disagree with who should be given such positions.

    We don't need a bunch of try-hard kids either. IE: 90 percent of the people i've seen trying to be noticed by staff, but they lose their cool so easily. lol
    Precisely my point. Funny thing is i'm being PM'd right now by a raging delusional 13 year old who thinks he was actually a good mod on OVMK.

    The actual fact of the matter is the people who make the best mods are actually the people I dislike the most, character wise. On RS I have access to the Moderator forum, and quite honestly, I hate every last person in there because they may seem like ego fed morons, but really, they just take the rules of the game WAY too serious, EVERY single rule though. It isn't a bad thing, it just (for me at least) doesn't make the game enjoyable when you go word for word by the rules. One of which, no flaming, is one rule that's never followed. Most I saw just instigated or were party to flame wars rather than stopping them or ignoring them.

    Consistency is key though. Tell it like it is, don't BS, and don't give in just because everyone else is hopping on the band-wagon. That's the way I wish all mods were, but sadly, most aren't. =P
    Yeah, that's one of the major problems. Everyone tries to act "civil" and "nice," when really none of them can keep their cool and as soon as someone disagrees with them they pull out all the stops trying to pin the "blame" for something so petty on another person. That's the reason fan made games fail is because staff positions are given to those who can't handle it. I'm hoping Amy sees past 99 percent of the BS most people portray themselves to be. So far the only person on this forum i've seen that's consistent in all their posts is Tessa, some people may not like her, but you'll never find her breaking under pressure when people disagree with her. She's just the only example that I can think of. Hopefully Amy and other staff are making careful decisions on their candidates.
    Most people are just too scared to tell it like it is. Everyone has thin skin and are afraid to offend everyone else in the process of disagreeing with them, when really nothing disrespectful has been said. There's a difference between banter and simply lashing out at someone, which is something most people on here can't seem to understand. =P
    I thought I had to reregister my account for a second there goodnesS. i got notifications for all my messages, ooh :o

    Oohhh! Alrighty, lemme see uvu~!
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