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  • Seriously? Okay I have to check Ebay x.x I never played Dance Dance but I have Just Dance so I guess its the same thing o.o ??
    YES and then when it comes to next year, the next game in the series comes out and you're basically a year behind -___- Hmm I never checked Ebay for games I have to check that out O: I just usually go to Game Stop for almost every game thing I need.
    omg yes and it makes me want to cry when a whole bunch of new games come out almost at the same time and I want to buy all of them and my mom tells me wait until next year when it's cheaper ;___; Or I at least try to buy used games at Game Stop where its at least $10-$15 cheaper so that's good ._.
    I love the details of the scenery in Skyrim it's so beautiful
    There are so many games I would love to play too LOl but I need time and money >.>
    Hmmmm idk Lol If I were to play it I would play it in the mornings .__." Have you ever played Skyrim? I haven't but I would like to one day.
    Omg no I haven't played that game but I have seen pictures of it x.x" It looks really creepy LOL
    Yeah and all of the evolution kinds too there's just so much information to keep track of x.x" But it still pretty cool :D
    Omg yeah there's so many generations, games, etc I wouldn't even know where to begin if I were to get into it. D: It just looks really fun and some of the Pokémons are so cute o:
    Assassin's creed is amazing O:
    I sometimes feel so left out of the whole Pokémon thing ;__; I watched like a few mins of it and then I just forgot about it and I see people playing the DS games and talking about the Pokémons and I want to join in but I'll feel so behind D: I wish I would of been more interested in it when I was younger >.>
    Hmmm favorite games... Right now I really love the Batman game series on Xbox and Assassin's Creed series too :D
    Other than Super Mario do you have any other favorite games?? o:
    I'll definitely keep an eye out for that game :D
    Ik Scooby Doo games are so complex -__- I get that they're supposed to be challenging but sometimes I just don't understand and I'm like ????? and then I just quit until I feel that I can finish it, so hopefully I can pass that level and be done with the game soon >.>
    o: Never played it Lol but anything with Super Mario is usually fun and sometimes stressful .-. I would definitely like to play the older games that I have and maybe actually pass the levels I couldn't do when I was younger >.> There was this Scooby Doo game that I have for Playstation 2 that I could never beat the last level D:
    Lol xD yeah I hope so too, its just a lot of work x.x
    That's really great o: for my summer I'll just be playing video games, catching up on tv shows, and crochet some toys :) I definitely need a break from school what wore me out was the almost weekly essays :/
    Well I just finished writing an essay about Economics and I need to finish this other essay about a book, character and place from the Bible x.x"
    omg Disney World D: That's awesome I hope you have fun! I never went there before ;__; Hopefully one day I can go.
    Yeah I hope so too x.x I have to finish another essay and study for my final quiz and I'm done :D
    Do you have any plans for the summer o: ?
    ;__; You're so lucky, it feels like I've been in school for so long but it has been only 8 weeks ._. But I'm definitely looking forward to summer so I can finally relax and not worry about school Lol
    Thank you :D
    Yeah, I'm still in school this is my last week of this semester then I finally have a break x.x
    Are you in school?
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