Search results

  1. T

    monsters opening pins~

    No worries, I'll hold on to it for you.
  2. T

    Looking for Drink Me Magics

    Holding for you.
  3. T

    Looking for Drink Me Magics

  4. T

    Trading Tron Room

    I'm on now, Legacy in game, let me know where you would like to meet.
  5. T

    monsters opening pins~

    sure just pm me when you're able to do this. eithe immediately after host event or later tonight, I am Legacy in the game.
  6. T

    monsters opening pins~

    I can offer one for a drink me magic.
  7. T

    Trading Tron Room

    I can do Maleficent and Ghast Mask for Both. Maleficent is said to go for 1 to 2 gift cards and Ghast mask is said to go for around 8K. I'm refering to Brad's thread about --know your values--. LMK.
  8. T

    Looking for Drink Me Magics

    Trading: (1) Club 33 Pin (valued at 1 magic) (1) Tron Guest Room Pin (valued at 1 magic) (1) PPR Peter Pan (valued at 2 magics) I've tried to place what I think are fair conversion values on the items listed above. You will get a faster response by sending your offer via PM. Thank you for...
  9. T

    Princess Minnie giveaway

    Forum Name: Timmay In-game Name: Legacy Wish for this month: In game: That no matter what prizes are handed out this month, friends are made during the events.
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    You may have missed the info on the newsletter: Dive! Drive! Fly! Space… Land… and Sea… which Tomorrowland Quests will you be able to complete? Coming soon this month, you’ll be able to complete the quests for the Deep Sea Diving Magic Pin, Inner-Space Suit Magic Pin, and earn your Autopia...
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    Trading Minnie Hat Ornament

    I can do this, where do you want to meet?
  12. T

    Trading Minnie Ornament

    I can do this, where do you want to meet?
  13. T

    Happy Birthday from ExtremeDisFan

    Happy Birthday from ExtremeDisFan
  14. T

    It's a Small World 50th Anniv Celebration

    Disney is donating $150,000 to UNICEF in honor of It's a Small World's 5th Anniversary. In addition to that you all have the opportunity to increase the amount of Disney's donation, up to $100,000. For every online small world doll created, Disney will donate an additional $1. You can also...
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    What are Gift Cards?

    Gift Cards are purchased for 10K credits. When sold/cashed in, 9,500 credits are received. It's basically a way for a player to buy expensive or rare items from another player. For example, you could buy two gift cards and trade them for one firewall.
  16. T

    which is the DLR pumpkin

    The one starship has posted
  17. T

    which is the DLR pumpkin

    The one simply called "Mickey Pumpkin"
  18. T

    Do boys have cooties?

    Proud of my cooties
  19. T

    Opinions on the "Gold Star"

    Ranch and I may disagree on somethings, but I have to agree with his statement here. If I do something that might be considered above and beyond and it goes unnoticed, I'm not going to be upset that I didn't earn the pin. In the end, the true reward is helping the individual or the community.
  20. T

    is it just me, or

    So what I hear you saying is, Kanye stole his look from VMK.