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  1. G


    i'm starting sept 4th gonna go to university :) but mine is in walking distance so 10-12 mins away from me(literally) so im staying close to home. hoping to become a physiotherapist or chiropractor
  2. G

    Single vs. Relationships

    aww i am honestly so sorry to hear that :( that guy sounds like a badword lol.
  3. G

    What is your favorite shampoo?

    i switch my shampoos/conditions every 3 months or so but i usually use dove, herbal essences, garnier, + sunsilk
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    ice bucket challange

    i just did this yestd + was actually lots of fun :D
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    Learning a New Language

    i'm pretty good at learning languages LOL i can speak english, half bad at french, punjabi, hindi, gujrati. i can speak but not write most except eng + french.
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    Sons of Anarchy

    i watched it on netflix also but season 6 i watched online i found a link :o i'm sooooo amped for s7. i'm gonna buy the box set for this show lol idc how much it costs
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    The Suit

    i knew the name jarvis sounded familiar LOL
  8. G

    Post a Picture of Yourself. Again

    the instagram threads i found were from like 2013 so im just gonna post mine here LOL follow : tmlfurs ill follow back beauties
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    Sons of Anarchy

    i'm waiting for season 7 this september yayy im soo amped season 6 finale was AMAZING i think i've watched it like 6 times already
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    Sons of Anarchy

    does anyone else watch SoA or am i the only one <3_<3
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    Big Brother S16 Discussion Thread

    DONNY IS BAE <3 i love him so much omg
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    Lucky Day!

    LOLL my mother gives my life omg *not literally*
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    i love ur signature omg

    i love ur signature omg
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    Lucky Day!

    my mom brought home pizza without me calling to ask her omg love u mom <3 LOL
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    kk lets start beef den

    kk lets start beef den
  16. G

    Have you ever met anyone famous?

    Tyler Bozak - my love & a player of the Toronto Maple Leafs <3
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    Legend of Korra Talk *SPOILERS*

    i stopped watching legend of korra halfway through idk i just liked avatar so much more i couldnt get myself to enjoy it :(
  18. G

    Green Crate Items

    she said yesterday in a room that the prizes would change without notice...i dont think any time soon though but they're there to stay forever
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    yogurt parfait & apples w/ peanut butter
  20. G

    Advice to Incoming Freshman!

    keep ur friends circle small. u start off with lots of friends but trust me you'll graduate with only 2-3 people you trust.