Search results

  1. Foustketeer

    Already had one foot out the door...

    Not that many of you probably noticed (or even know who I am), but I had pretty much given up on playing this game a month or so ago. The time it took to grind at games to make enough credits to buy things every week began to become boring and more of a chore than anything else. When it came to...
  2. Foustketeer

    PLEASE HELP- DESPERATE. College Algebra

    This site should offer you a bit of help with the first two.
  3. Foustketeer

  4. Foustketeer

    what are things that annoy you

    cough cough
  5. Foustketeer

    online or in store shopping?

    It honestly depends on what I am looking to buy. More often than not though, it'll be online, but I'll go to a store to try something on (e.g. shoes) if I have never worn them before.
  6. Foustketeer

    Hi :)

    Hello! Welcome and welcome back.
  7. Foustketeer

    what's your favorite weird color name?

    Smaragdine, for sure.
  8. Foustketeer

    Where are all the 90s Babies At :)

    Do I get a pass if I wasn't technically born in the 90s, but spent the majority (read: virtually all) of my childhood in there? I mean, I spent a grand total of three months in the 80s.
  9. Foustketeer

    help a sista out pls

  10. Foustketeer

    Hello hello! :D

    Hello and welcome to the forums. MyVMK opened back in September of 2013, so just shy of a year and a half ago.
  11. Foustketeer

    Favorite childhood things

    Not having to worry about anything. Running around the neighborhood with my friends. All those 90s shows we all miss, and some that people don't (I'm looking at you Histeria!, I miss you.) Nintendo 64.
  12. Foustketeer

    Chipotle Orders

    When I actually do go, it's either steak tacos or burrito, with white rice, pinto beans, chili-corn salsa, cheese, sour cream, and lettuce (on tacos).
  13. Foustketeer


    I found twenty bucks in an old jacket yesterday morning, but that was about the highlight of the day because it went all downhill from there.
  14. Foustketeer


    cough cough
  15. Foustketeer

    What is your Chinese zodiac sign?
