online or in store shopping?


eyerolling is my cardio.
do you like shopping online or going to the store to shop?

i like both, but i prefer to be in store because i like actually having the item right away.

you guys?​
I like to go shopping in the store, I only browse online and go in the store to see if the item is worth it to buy. I don't want to wait a week or more for an item. I am fine with buying stuff from the disney store online though. Shoes I will never buy online unless I already tried on a pair of that brand and I know it will fit. I seriously hope in the future I can still go in a store to buy things lol. I don't want the malls to disappear.


Not romantic, too dramatic
It honestly depends on what I am looking to buy. More often than not though, it'll be online, but I'll go to a store to try something on (e.g. shoes) if I have never worn them before.


It depends on what I'm looking for. Bigger purchases I usually do in an actual store. Little things... ehhhh. If I need something quick that isn't in the city I'm going to college in then I usually do online with day shipping.


Well-Known Member
It honestly depends but I love shopping online through because I have Amazon Prime with free two day shipping so shopping there is awesome. :)


i don't appreciate your lack of sarcasm
for clothing wise, I like to shop in store bc even though I know my size, some items are made differently and I'll be mad if I ordered something online and it didn't fit the right way and then have to go through the trouble of returning it but if it's something else, then I'll shop online bc I don't care


Well-Known Member
ugh i never online shop bc i had a terrible experience....
my brother told me the wrong apt number so i sent a gift of his to th wrong apartment and he refused to get it..... i was so angry.
plus im never sure about sizing and fit and how itll look so online shopping for me is a nono. unless they come up with a way that i can try on clothes digitally..


Well-Known Member
I hate shopping in general. but I love getting new clothes and being fashionable....sigh..
I prefer the store to try them on tho. but I start to lose it after an hour or two


Well-Known Member
in store because I am very indecisive and usually don't like what I try on so to order something online, anticipate it for 2 weeks until I get it, then not liking it all in the end is just not my thing :/ But in store is great because I get things right away and I like them; win win


Well-Known Member
For basic things, books, etc, I like to go to Amazon prime - student subscription is well worth it imo and prices tend to be pretty reasonable/cheaper in-store. I'll get clothes online if there's a decent sale but I like to be able to try it on/don't want the hassle of returning it if it doesn't fit. For stores like H&M or F21 which are huge and aren't super organized in the way they organize their clothing in the store, sometimes I like to scope out what I like online and then find it in store so I can try it on. I wish women's sizing was more consistent (there are even wild variations within the same brand, different cuts are more flattering than others, etc) but for now I have to try everything on.


Well-Known Member
online shopping all the way because most of the really nice clothes that i like are never in store, sold out, or only online so i'd rather just buy things online