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  1. N_a_t_a_l_i_e

    VC- Hunny Badger and Partners Pins

    Just curious as to what these pins are being valued at. I've seen a couple people ask about it but none have really gotten a solid answer. Is anyone sure? Best gues-timate? Thanks :D
  2. N_a_t_a_l_i_e

    What exactly is myVMK Pal/ VMK Pal?

    Hey guys! So, I've heard about VMK Pal and myVMK Pal from time to time and I'm not exactly sure what either program is. All I really know is that myVMK Pal was the replacement that was recently created to be used with myVMK, whereas VMK Pal was used by players in the original game. Since I was...
  3. N_a_t_a_l_i_e

    Hi guys :)

    welp. ive been on myvmk since december but JUST joined the forums recently and this is my first post. seems like im a little late to the party :whistle: just wanted to say hello! hopefully ill be on here often enough. :pickme: