
  1. Mx. Ryden

    Missing Eyeliner and Beard from Permanent Mercantile Specials

    Title says it mostly. Supposed to be permanent additions but they've been missing around a month-ish now, and I know quite a few people wanting to get their hands on them but no one has duplicates as they should still be around. I know there's a lot on the plate but whenever this could be...
  2. Graham

    Where is everyone?

    I haven’t played in over a year so maybe I just don’t know where everyone is whenever I get on, but all I see are guest rooms with tiny populations and the same 5 people. I’ll walk around the map and see barely anyone and the population of the game just feels sparse to me. Maybe I’m just not on...
  3. Klimt

    HM and JC issues

    Hi everyone! I've been having a lot of issues with the HM and JC minigames recently. :blush: With haunted mansion, I completely freeze in the middle of a game. If I play alone, it seems to be okay. But when I play with other players, I'll freeze with 1:30 mins left in a game. I can't move or...