43 valentines SITS used?

So I've used 43 SITS just now for sure and no Valentine SITS pin. What am I Supposed to be doing?
I hope after all of these pulls, its after ONE pin because if not.. WHAT AM I WORKING FOR?
Shooting in the dark fam, help me out
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Yeah I’ve pulled about 30 and have gotten one pin out of it. It’s insane.
I been riding and using SITs since Vday, and only gotten one pin. At least 100 by now. The game can't be perfect, hope you get one soon.
I got my second pin moments after posting last night. One of two SITs I had and I got the Robin Hood one. But I did notice not many people where riding PPN at that time, so maybe try pulling them in the south lobby or something? Maybe with so many using the SITs, you've just gotten unlucky pulls. Hope this helps
up to 66 with nothing.
Amazing. Yeah I guess in the 3 years it takes me to get a few pins, I'll try an empty lobby.
THOUGH when i used the first 43, it was late at night/early morning and so not many people were around.