Ahoy there mateys!

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Captain of the Black Pearl
Ahoy! thar everyone! I just joined t' forums today even though I have been part o' t' game for a while now. I heard that pirates month be now just around t' corner so I wanted t' help spread t' joy from now until t' pirates game comes out! Just so you know a little about meself, I enjoy drinkin' some yum, singin' (with a scratchy voice) yoho yoho a pirate’s life for me, pillage for treasure, sailin' on t' open ocean, and hangin' out with me mates! I hope t' know more o' everyone in t' community and record me journeys in me Pirate’s Journal which chronicles me swashbucklin' adventures throughout myVMK! I be a very generous fellow so if you see me around t' kin'dom, be sure t' stop and wave Ahoy! and you may just be gettin' yourself some treasure! As I like t' say, brin' me that horizon and drink up me hearties, yoho!
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