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Move Stitch Get Out The Way! Get Out The Way Stitch Get Out The Way!
I got so hyped for freak show it turned out to be one of the worst seasons,,,,,,,,, but this gives me hope i love gaga and creepy hotels so this is a win win its like she's at the tower of terror
i saw her post on twit and im living i hope this season is good. like coven literally made 0 sense, some of the parts they just did it so it could be ....relatable to teens. it did not work at all, they never really fully explained the storylines in depth and it bugged me. freakshow i didnt mind!!!
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I got so hyped for freak show it turned out to be one of the worst seasons,,,,,,,,, but this gives me hope i love gaga and creepy hotels so this is a win win its like she's at the tower of terror
I'm REAAALLY hoping that this season steers away from creating so many plot holes like they have done in the past 2 seasons. I really miss the darkness and horror of Asylum and Murder House. To me, those were just the best seasons overall. I hope this season is darker and much scarier!


Normal people scare me
I have really high hopes for this new season since Gaga is like the queen of creepy and I hope she can really bring back the horror.
This past season was bland for me honestly.


☉ taurus ☽ aquarius ↑ leo
I really was not a fan of Freak Show in the slightest. It started out alright but really lost it for me. I absolutely loved the first 3 seasons of AHS and I really hope that Hotel is amazing. It has so much potential! So sad that Jessica Lange won't be a part of it though, she is a phenomenal actress and I'll definitely miss her.