Announcing Contest Winners!

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balance is important both in life and art.....
now that the contest is officially over i felt it would be ok now to share which poem was mine. i did not place but those that won totally deserved it! anyway.. here was my poem so you know it was mine. hope you all enjoyed it and would love feedback! (PS-would love to know who wrote the others that did not place)

Once Upon A Christmas Time

Once upon a Christmas time…

in a land called MyVMK,

everybody is showing their Holiday spirit,

that is the virtual Christmas way.

The streets are decked with Mickey wreaths,

and the staff are dressed up too,

Host_Nemo is looking festive as well,

with his spicy red hair doo.

Once upon a Christmas time…

In an online world full of fun and fantasy,

a gingerbread building contest is in the works,

oh what splendid place this must be.

The contest is making us all go broke,

but players are willing to lend a helping hand,

they are giving credit sprees,

to those of us in need.

Once upon a Christmas time…

Where Disney fans from around the world meet,

there are holiday surprises just about every day,

with brand new items and treats.

Many are furniture and others are pins,

an occasional quest or two,

the wonders of this game are back,

thanks to Amy for making our dreams come true.
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