Any Doctor Who Fans?

Any Doctor Who fans on here besides me? It's my favorite show and I'm completely obsessed with it. My favorite Doctor is Matt Smith, even though I started with the 10th then went back and watched 9, 10, and 11. People find that kinda shocking. I still don't get it. I'm also completely stoked for the 50th Anniversary Episode. :thumbsup:

Anyway, any other Whovians out there? :?:


Well-Known Member
im into doctor who
but im not that into nu-who
i mean 9 was an okay doctor
but 10 was 2 human and 11 was just
11 was okay but the writing was ugh
my fave. doctor is 3
karkat said:
im into doctor who
but im not that into nu-who
i mean 9 was an okay doctor
but 10 was 2 human and 11 was just
11 was okay but the writing was ugh
my fave. doctor is 3
Yeah, some of the new Who episodes are eh. I re-watched the old Doctors and my favorite old-who doctor is 5, for sure.
Definitely a fan. Started with Nu-Who a few years ago, and am starting to go through and watch the best 5 episodes of each classic Doctor. Doing some listening to the Big Finish audio dramas on walks as well.


New Member
Whovians in tha house!
I don't think people give 9 enough credit, he really was a great Doctor. He just didn't come at the best time. I love 10 though, he's my absolute favorite. As well as 4. But I didn't ever really care for 11.
My girlfriend got me started, even though she's only a recent Whovian herself. Her fave is 9 while mine is 10, and our best friend's favorite is 11 ^^;
I made a Tardis in OVMK using an optical illusion technique hehe- you could walk through it to the other side whilst experiencing a 'roof' feeling :)


Well-Known Member
I have read 8 has some great audio books id love to find out...I loved 9 and 11 is my favorite. I will be sad come Christmas. I really liked 10 but RTD stories were too dramatic for me in the end.


Never Mistake Silence For Weakness
My Friend got me into it awhile ago. And i love her for doing that! My favorite Doctor is number ten! ( Course i think my avatar already tells you that. ) Tho i do wish number 9 had at least another season before turning into number 10. :)
i love doctor who! i'm one of those people who can't pick a favorite doctor or a favorite companion haha. i'm both excited and not wanting the 50th special to come because it's gonna really suck to say goodbye to matt, but this is my first time getting a new doctor in real time, so i'm pretty excited about that.


The Confused One.
I love Doctor Who. I watched every episode of the past season on Netflix last year and then watched what I could when it was On Demand at home. I haven't been able to find out where the BBC channel is at home but I will have to look for it if the I can watch the special this year!
Why yes, that would be me! As a 24-time attendee of Gallifrey One (and of course our 25th next Feb), I would welcome you all, but unfortunately we're sold out (unless you can get a transfer). I love the entire history of Who, all 50 years. In fact, because of this show (and the con), I now have the best thing that has ever happened to me!

The day before we sail on the Sci Fi Sea Cruise (with Sylvester, Frazer, & Carole Ann), my geeky guy and I are getting married in Miami! Honeymoon in the Western Caribbean, woo!!


Well-Known Member
I want to watch "Trial of a Time Lord." I have seen several of the third Doctor's episodes and the five Doctors special. They have such charm but a little slow paced for today (naturally).