April Fools!


10 mins late to everything
Have you done anything as a joke to your friends, family, or just some stranger as a joke? Share 'em :3

I put salt on my family's toothbrushes, and stuff with a texture inside my family's pillows to get them scared, I think I also put shaving cream on door knobs or was it on the tub idk.

Share what you did, or will be doing :bounce:! :)


Well-Known Member
I pulled this before April fools as an Anniversary prank (march 26th) But we made cookies and added a little extra salt then got them a present but duct taped the entire box 3 times and wrapped it 7 times. the present was nothing special [friend had same anniversary so we did it together to both our boy friends]


10 mins late to everything


ok today i did
put tooth paste on the toilet seat
salt on the tooth paste
wrote april fools with shaving cream all over the tub
did the upside down water cup


Well-Known Member
In class today one of my classmates hid under my teachers desk and my teacher screamed. It was hilarious and she was a great sport about it.

We were planning to just walk into another classroom and just sit down without saying anything to confuse them lol. But we couldn't find another class...