Attn Staff: Offensive Game Names

Hi Staff.

Can we please have a review of the names in the game and have the offensive or double-meaning names removed/changed? I am not going to list them here, but as you review you the names of players it will become evident what is meant by some of the titles they have given themselves. Some are sexual, some are meant to be cruel and some are borderline suggestive. There are only a few, but it still should not be acceptable.
I think it's been long enough that registration has slowed down and they can review using the "Guest" system until each name is cleared - providing the current staff can keep up with it.


Mr. Cinderella
Moderating usernames on MyVMK will be much easier with a group of moderators; however, none have been hired yet.
I feel as if name reviewing will become a more important process later on in development.