Base Camp : Hydra NOW OPEN


just your friendly neighborhood allusion

hydra ; a persistent or many-sided problem that presents new obstacles as soon as one aspect is solved

Hello ! Myself, and the members of Base Camp : Hydra would like to show
you our take on the Everest ride contest!

Our team : Allusion ; Whoosh ; Kitten ; QA_Deprecation

Our Mission : Each traveler who enters must face the cavernous depths of each ride room, eventually having to face off against the winter snow encrusted Dragon - Hydra.
Our Slogan : Many venture in - but never make it out.
Heres a ride-through of our ride, (:
Feel free to start the music / video as you ride through in game!

Questions? Commentary? :) Enjoy!


Forever Awkward
Bump :D
Firstly, your ride is amazing.
I love how you all made a video and everything as well, best of luck to you in the competition! :awright:


Forever Awkward
Bump :D