Batch Anyone?


The Coder Mind
So I was wonder how many of you guys know the Programming Language Batch?
I know it very well.
I seem to create lots of stuff with it.

Right now my latest project is a OS. well you will see I am trying do with it soon.
But if you know Batch I would be happy having someone, code with me my project. and It is 100% fully open source the project.
And I am going to create a game you can play using it.

Anyways if don't know what is batch here the Wikipedia for it.


myVMKPal Creator
myVMKPal Creator
Batch is a pretty basic programming language, but I have seen some really cool stuff done with it.

I have done a lot with batch in the past, mainly when I was just picking up code.

You can't really make an OS per say, since batch requires an MS-DOS/NT based operating system to run. That being said however, I'd like to see the end product :D