Big Brother Season 18 Discussion

A little late, but it's that time of year again!

I really like the BB Roadkill aspect that they added! I'm so happy that James is back this season, he was always entertaining. I'm not really sure who's going to win since everything has been pretty even to this point. I don't really have anybody to watch this with and this went well last year.

So which houseguests do you like? Who don't you like? Who do you want to win? Who do you think will win?

aaaaaand GO!


Well-Known Member
The houseguests are all pretty messy but I adore Natalie lol I just wish she would play the game more,
she's stated that she just wants to make jury :/
I like the BB Roadkill too but idk it's something that can be easily rigged if you think about it.
I don't like Paulie and Frank at all but I could 100% see Paulie winning the whole show.
This year I said I was just going to watch the show as it airs instead of letting it consume my summer. After the 2 night premier, I was all over the spoilers and live feeds and am lost in BB again :) I was happy to see all the vets except Frank. Loved when Josea bounced followed by Vic. Last weeks live show was fantastic and the fall out was even better. The showmances are too much this year. Nicole and Z are like two high schoolers the way they chase and talk about Corey and Paulie. James is so smitten with Natalie that I miss his antics from last season.

I'm usually a fan of the underdog so I appreciate how Frank is trying to work his magic this week. In saying that, I don't want him to win though. I am sad for Tiffany at the way she is being treated, especially by the girls. She is alone the majority of the time with only Frank and Bridgette really talking to her. I could never pull for Bridgette. Sorry, but she gets on my last nerve. Paul has done a great job infiltrating the big group and I am slowly warming up to him.

Da'Vonne is doing a better job managing her sass this time around but she needs to win something soon or she will go bye-bye. Paulie is so arrogant and smug and talks like he has it won. I cant wait for his butt to be on the block. I REALLY don't want him to win. I have nothing really to say about Michelle. She's just there and comes off as a mean girl in regards to her treatment of Tiff.

Aside from him being love struck right now, I'm pulling for James. If he will take off his Natalie blinders he can go far. He is likeable, nice to others and can win comps when he needs to. He is in a good spot with the larger group and the smaller group.
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I'm really enjoying this season so far. I love the roadkill, really chances it up having that 3rd person put up by someone perhaps not known. It's no longer so easy for one side to win over another. Which I think they've been trying for years to find a way to change that but seems like they finally hit upon it with the roadkill. I'm really enjoy watching Paul work his way away from the bottom, would love to see what he would do if he gets HOH . I loved James the first time he played and I love him again this time!
I am definitely rooting for either James or Nicole to win. I loved Nicole in the past season so I'm super happy she came back as well. This is also my first year with CBS all access but I always end up behind on episodes and don't want the live feeds to spoil anything lol >.<

I love the roadkill addition, it definitely spices things up. I'm excited to see who's going to come back into the house, that'll definitely flip things upside down.
What do y'all think of the round trip ticket?

These people talk too much, nothing "secret" is a secret. They figure something out that's better the less people know about it and tell everyone. They should've just given each person one depending on the order they got out at the last HOH competition. :shrug:
What do y'all think of the round trip ticket?

These people talk too much, nothing "secret" is a secret. They figure something out that's better the less people know about it and tell everyone. They should've just given each person one depending on the order they got out at the last HOH competition. :shrug:
I think I would of prefered they kept going with the roadkill as opposed to the round trip ticket. I don't mind an evicted houseguest getting a chance to win their way back into the house, but this feels just like production overkill . .. course depending on who has it..I may decide I love it ha
That would be fun @austin17

I like James,Frank, Natalie and Bridgette. Kinda wish James hadn't pulled the same move that he did in his previous season. Zakiyah and Michelle seem pretty dull and boring to watch. I woulda preferred if Tiffany came back instead of Victor. I was a fan of Paulie at first, but hes getting to be pretty annoying trying to run the house. Paul needs to go asap.

Hmm with the round trip ticket, I was hoping Frank had it but dang nope.I'm hoping Bridgette or Natalie get it tbh.


Most Well-Known Member
Just wanted to inform y'all that Big Brother 19 will air this fall on CBS All Access only! We get an extra BB this year! It will be about 3-4 weeks shorter than a standard season, so we might just have 12 houseguests. Super excited!


Well-Known Member
She's alive and does have a brain! hopefully she can shake things up, I swear Paulie has more magic dust than Dan ever had
I'm just waiting for a Julius Caesar styled take down(I mean not literally of course) of Paulie already but I can see him winning the HOH tonight and taking out Natalie, Bridgette, or James.
I'm just waiting for a Julius Caesar styled take down(I mean not literally of course) of Paulie already but I can see him winning the HOH tonight and taking out Natalie, Bridgette, or James.
Uggg same lol, I so hope one of the underdogs wins and shakes things up! That is what I enjoy watching the most lol.


Well-Known Member
Consider me bald from Michelle's speeches tonight
I hate that Bridgette was evicted but I'm glad Natalie and Michelle still stand
I hate double eviction shows. Im always frustrated at the outcome. I did watch the feeds last night and enjoyed watching Nicole squirm. Im still holding out hope for someone to take down Paulie.

I saw Paul last night explaining to Victor that now is the time to take out one of Paulie/Corey/Nicole. Vic was wanting to use a pawn and Paul told him, we are down to 8. No more pawns. I will be waiting for nominations and hoping V follows through.

Paul is my favorite to win. He infiltrated the big group and remained friends with the smaller group. He is logical. Has left emotion outside the house. He is playing all sides. And he cracks me up. Not gonna lie, we use "Friendship" around our house :)