booted from room

idk if this is a glitch or a staff abusing their powers but I and others keep getting booted from the guest rooms we are in, at first no boot message we just got kick out, then started to get the boot message. It happend like 10 times in 3 different rooms
14 boots and still counting, idk
Entire rooms get booted, single players get booted, its so random.
Midien and I seem to get booted at the same time but rest of room members are fine.
That's so strange o-o


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me last night while waiting for host event...WHICH NEVER happened...did I figure the times wrong or what??? There were alot of others on too at the time of event and the numbers dwindled down to almost nothing...if anyone can knows what happened please post here..Thanking you in advance
1230am Tue is actually 1230 in the evening on MONDAY. I have no idea about the room boots though. Still no word on why that happened.
They were loading new screens during that time I did happen to notice. Hope all that nonsense was just a side effect of game changes and
not a targeted boot for fun thing.
OK I have been room booted 27 times in the last half hour, from the mansion lobby, courtyard and other rooms, I sent several CFH and none were answered, this has been going on for the last 3 days!! No one around me is being affected except my friend Isabella. This indicates its a personal attack, who can do this sort of thing in game? Contact me ASAP[DOUBLEPOST=1475789712][/DOUBLEPOST]UPDATE: Nemo and AMY to the rescue, no boots since update. Nemo was exceptionally helpful as always. THANKS so much......
hope this lasts a bit, nice to not get harassed by the game code LOL.
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Appears there was a miscode of permissions that was promptly repaired that was not accessible at the Host (Ghost) level. Only Amy (Admin) was able to repair it with the game restart and the code update directly afterwards, so anyone else with this issue (Midien) should be repaired also. :dance: