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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you're feeling attacked, my heart goes out to you. It's not a nice feeling, especially when all you want to do is play and have fun. I hope you find that your life is much more enjoyable without the toxic presence of this game. You're always welcome back should you choose to come around again, and you'll have a drama-free friend in me! :halcyon:


Well-Known Member
Like life, you have to just ignore people like that and find the people that are nice and friendly and hang out with them. I would gladly be one of those nice friends you can have in the game.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you feel attacked, its ridiculous how the majority of players feel attacked/ignored/bullied/ect while playing now.

dont give away your stuff yet tho! you never know if you might want to come back. i'm also taking a long break from the game- waiting for things to clear up again... Ive been thinking of logging back on since all the additions to POTC are getting me excited, but then now I see the fights over friendly games and its just like ugh are you kidding me. maybe just try giving it some time to cool down. i know the community has been heated for a month now, but I'm hoping it'll die down soon again.


Well-Known Member
don't let the haters stop you from doing your thanggggg


Well-Known Member
before you leave i want you to know that none of the mole accounts are mine i swear. and i hope that imposter account of me in the potc lobby had nothing to do with you or kr. but anyway take care.


Well-Known Member
i am very sorry that the mean people on this game has made you not look forward to come on here... you don't deserve that all, no one does. i hope you have happiness and peace. :)


♥Disneyland Addict♥
Aww Dee your soo Sweet Sorry You had to Deal with that :(
Sorry to see you go, I've played POTC with you many times and you're generally pretty quiet. There are those people in this game that seem to relish bothering others, trolling people etc., it's really a shame. Take some time away, keep your goodies, maybe after a break you'll have a change of heart and decide to come back, just ignore the drama ppl and don't feed the trolls in game. I feel sorry for the low self esteem some people must have that they need to make others feel bad to feel better about themselves. We need the good people to stay and the trouble makers to leave!


You Owe Me A Soda! :D
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been hurt from some people it's not right at all. :c
I know that we haven't really talked in-game, but I always thought that you seemed like a really nice and caring person.
I wish you the best of luck with your time away it's good to get away every once in a while to discover new things and people!
I hope we can chat sometime I'm always up to make new friends :)
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