Calling all losers.


Well-Known Member
So if you feel lame like me, because every one seems to be in a tight clique.. then you have come to the right place! There is nothing wrong with being in cliques.. don't get me wrong I would like to have a close group of friends! But if you're new or still haven't found friends.. then hello my friend we have something in common :) Hit the follow button and BAM we are friends! :) and of course we can meet up in vmk! I'm all about the meeting people and making friends!
Aw this is really lovely. I'm usually fairly shy in the game and find it sometimes difficult to start conversations with others. If you see me around I would love to be friends. :)


Not so Active Member
This post is ace. I'm not in a clique because I'm shy in game and don't talk to many people, so I'll join this thread!